A bit of good news for the condominium buyers out there; the Federal Housing Finance Administration (FHA) recently revised its condominium certification rules, making it easier to qualify condominiums for FHA financing.
Tag: mortgage
Examined: Loan Modifications & Why They Don’t Work!
In reviewing the articles that I have written in the past I discovered that while I often mentioned a certain tag line, I never really went into depth about why I believe it. So in this article I intended to explain in full light why “Loan Modifications Don’t Work!”
ACLU Sues Morgan Stanley for Discriminatory Lending
Yet another lawsuit has been filed against the “big banks” in relation to the lending standards and practices employed by the companies leading up to the housing market crash. What seperates this case from others is the fact that this is the first case brought by homeowners (not government) against an investment bank.
Tidal Wave Hits Europe, US Next?
Collapse of the European Central Bank (ECB) sends tidal-force shockwaves of debt rippling through the US.
Fannie Mae’s CEO Michael Williams to Step Down
In a shocking turn of events Michael Williams, the current CEO of Fannie Mae, has announced that he will be stepping down from his post.
Record Low Mortgage Interest Rates Keep Getting Lower!
How Low Can You Go??? Over the past week we saw home sales hit the second highest level of the year (data released about Nov.), we hit a4 year low in the quantity of new listings on the market, and we burst right through our previous record low interest rates! Is this the salvation that […]
The Short Sale Solution?
Short sales may seem like the quick answer to resolving the housing market crisis, but it takes more than a willing seller to play ball.
Freddie Mac CEO Resigns, What’s Next?
Charles “Ed” Haldeman Jr. Steps Down! Freddie Mac’s Chief Executive Officer, Charles “Ed” Haldeman Jr., will be stepping down from his position by the end of the year. This unforseen, and frankly shocking, turn of events has led to much speculation regarding why he is stepping down. While the specifics aren’t yet known, and Mr. […]
Why Now is The Right Time To Buy Real Estate!
According to Wall Street Journal columnist Jack Hough, now is the time to get back into the real estate market! Below is a summarization of the articles key points and an application of them from a real estate stand point. Enjoy!
Guess Who Wants to Foreclose on You!
Not only are mortgage industry giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae household names, they own most of the households in the country. So why are they the least likely to help homeowners in need of a short sale?