Years ago I read What It Takes To Be #1, a book about Vince Lombardi written by possibly the closest person to him: his son, and while it may not be a long book it left a lasting impression on me. The book does an excellent job outlining Lombardi’s beliefs, habits, and character, but what […]
Tag: los angeles
City of Hope & JohnHart Real Estate Thank You
As most of you already know, several years ago we started a charitable organization (Toys For Teens) whose sole purpose is to spread joy and hope to teens fighting cancer at City of Hope Cancer Research Hospital out in Duarte, CA. The reason we, a Los Angeles based real estate brokerage, started Toys For […]
Los Angeles Realtors – Make JohnHart Your 2015 Resolution
New Year, New You! Stop thinking about where you are, and where you have been, and start thinking about where you need to be in order for Tomorrow to be even better than Today.
How To Prepare Your Move-Up Seller/Buyer When Buying and Selling at the Same Time
When the time comes for your client to sell their home and either downsize into a smaller property due to an ‘empty nest’, or move-up into a bigger home because of the expanding family – you will need to make sure your seller/buyer is prepared for the dual transaction which awaits.
Perception Is Reality
Perception is reality. This is a very simple, fundamental, and true phrase. I believe most people don’t give this phrase enough credit. The way successes and obstacles are viewed change the dynamic of how you handle them, how they are compartmentalized and remembered, and how they contribute to building a successful or unsuccessful future. […]
Do Black Friday Deals Exist In Real Estate? – Forbes
Black Friday is the holy grail for deal-seeking shoppers during the h oliday season. But what about buyers searching for a home — do the same deals exist for real estate?
How To Turn Your Seller Into A Real Estate Investor
Many homeowners are looking for different ways to expand their investment portfolio – whether it be through real estate or other investments. One of the easiest ways for buyers to expand their investment portfolio is by leveraging the equity in their existing home and converting it into an investment property. There are several key advantages […]
Los Angeles County Real Estate Forecast for Fall 2014
“There is no present or future, only the past happening over and over again – now.” – Eugene O’Neill Ok, so that quote might be a tad dramatic, but the fact remains that we can often tell a lot about the future simply by looking at the past, the present, and the contrast between […]
How Non-Local Factors Can Influence Los Angeles Real Estate Prices
How Real Estate Prices Change Real estate prices are determined through much the same mechanisms as other purchasable items. In short, real estate prices are based on both the number of people capable and interested in purchasing real estate and the pieces of real estate that can be purchased on the real estate market.
Most Expensive Cities To Live In : New York Tops The Charts
New York claimed 5 of the top 10 spots, California claimed 4, the only other state was NJ with Alpine claiming a top 10 spot.