Source: California Association of Realtors
Category: Local News
Examined: Loan Modifications & Why They Don’t Work!
In reviewing the articles that I have written in the past I discovered that while I often mentioned a certain tag line, I never really went into depth about why I believe it. So in this article I intended to explain in full light why “Loan Modifications Don’t Work!”
Bank of America & JohnHart – A Short Sale Strategic Alliance
As more and more homeowners are enlightened about the pitfalls of Loan Modification, they are quickly turning to Short Sales as the best option for relief from their over-inflated mortgages and impending foreclosure sale dates. However in an industry as impacted as real estate how can a consumer determine the difference between an agent who […]
Real Estate Tools: Setting Up Your LinkedIn Profile
5 Tips to Makeover your LinkedIn Profile With over 160 Million profiles, what makes yours stand out amongst other LinkedIn users? Think about your skills, your current and past roles, your audience and how you want to share this with the millions online. If you don’t know how to strengthen your online presence, especially for business, here are […]
Mid 2012 Foreclosure Infographic Statistics
Try our foreclosure search now for newly listed homes at a great discount!
Multi-Million Dollar Foreclosure in Southern California!
Not even the super wealthy will be immune to foreclosures as short sales set to surge this year.
Examined: The Settlement of Our Government’s Law Suit Against The Big Banks
Just announced last Thursday was the settlement of the case against the big banks, and the results are disappointing to say the least!
Examined: Who Did The Housing Market Crash Hit Worst?
In terms of house prices in Los Angeles County, those who were hurt the most by the market crash may not be who you expected!
Examined: La Crescenta, CA May Still Be Overpriced!
Is the Housing Market in this Los Angeles Suburb Still Overpriced?
Examined: Santa Monica Seems to Have Avoided the Housing Crisis!
While many Southern California cities have suffered drastic losses in home prices, Santa Monica appears to have escaped relatively unscathed!