Well the inevitable has happened! Homeowners who received home loan modifications in the past several years are beginning to default on their modified loans at an alarming rate. In fact the pattern of homeowners going from default to modification then back into default is becoming so prevalent that society has seen fit to give it […]
Category: Local News
EXAMINED: UBS’ Possible Settlement W/ Fannie & Freddie
UBS could be the first of the European banks to pay up for misleading mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over the quality of packaged mortgage backed securities sold leading up to the housing market crash.
Savings Accounts vs. Real Estate Investments
Investing in Real Estate is a great opportunity to earn a return on your money of up to 10% annually. Just think of it this way, why would you have your money tied up in a savings account with a 1% or maybe if you’re lucky a 2% APY when you can invest in an […]
The Home Equity Line Of Credit: Is It Back?
A Home Equity Line Of Credit loan (aka HELOC) was something people could not get enough of in the early 2000’s. They were our very own piggy bank; we all became rich because our properties grew in value and in turn we cashed out the equity and took the family on vacation. However, just like […]
Flipping A House: Good or Bad For The Housing Market?
As an economics major, real estate agent, and a licensed general contractor, my opinion on the idea of flipping a house might be a little biased. However, a recent encounter with a prospective buyer, who voiced his opinion in front of me to an investor, motivated me to write this article as an educated response […]
Examined: Real Estate Or Stocks In 2013?
Everyone over the age of twenty has heard the saying “Buy land, God isn’t making any more of it” before, which does a great job of pointing out the supply issues of a gradually overcrowding planet, but is real estate really a better investment than the stock market when it comes down to dollar for dollar […]
Execution: the key to success
A thought recently occurred to me as we’re approaching one of the biggest sporting events of the year (the Super bowl): What makes winning teams so successful? There must be some method or characteristic that helps teams make it through to such a prestigious event and I think I’ve found what it is: execution.
Entitlement: The Enemy of Effort
As the owner of several publicly facing businesses, I am constantly surrounded by people. In fact, on an average day I shake hands with at least nine people I have never met before, and speak with dozens more over the phone. Over the past decade I have noticed an uptick in number of people I […]
Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act Extended Through 2013 for Short Sales!!!
It was just announced that the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act will be extended through 2013!!
Young Adults and Real Estate – The Time to Buy is Now!!!
Trulia’s Chief Economist, Jed Kolko , explained his thoughts after the company revealed the results of a survey on first time buyers. The target of the survey was the millennials, aka young adults, and here is what the study reported.