Updated Emergency Order Regarding Unlawful Detainer Actions

We have received a lot of questions about the state of unlawful detainer (evictions) proceedings in California. A previous blog addressed Governor Newsom’s order about bringing post-COVID-19 unlawful detainer actions. That post described the order as setting a minimum standard for commencing unlawful detainer actions. It also stated that stricter measures could be imposed by […]

The Force Majeure Clause

The Intricacies of the Force Majeure Clause During this Pandemic

Before COVID-19 hit, most people couldn’t tell you the definition of a force majeure clause. Simply put, a force majeure clause excuses a party from performing under a contract, if their performance becomes implausible or impractical, because of some unforeseen or unanticipated event. These uncontrollable events are also known as “Acts of God”. Parties often […]

Notice of Unforseen Coronavirus Circumstances with a red "NOTICE" stamp overlayed.


With the beginning of another week living “Safer at Home”, the California Association of Realtors (“CAR”) released the “Coronavirus Addendum or Amendment” (CVA). This is an update to the Coronavirus Addendum/Amendment released last week.  CAR also released a companion document entitled “Notice of Unforeseen Coronavirus Circumstances” (“NUCC”). Recently, we discussed the CVA and addressed its […]

CVA with red stamp overlayed reading "Coronavirus Addendum"


Over the course of the last two weeks, our lives have drastically changed. The emergence of the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic has created uncertainty in the economy not seen in years.  It was inevitable that this uncertainty would present itself in the real estate industry.  Like most brokerages, we have seen our share of listings canceled, […]

white and gray image of a male hand signing a paper on a clipboard with red text overlay

Agents Duty to Disclose: The Obligation to Make a Visual Inspection

A Broker’s duty to a buyer was forever changed in 1984 with the case of Easton v. Stassburger, 152 Cal.App.3d 90(1984). The ruling in Easton stated that Brokers had an affirmative duty to conduct a “reasonably competent and diligent inspection of residential real property listed for sale and to disclose to prospective purchasers all facts […]

Cannabis plant enveloping model homes that resemble Monopoly pieces

What Every Real Estate Professional Should Know About Representing a Cannabis Business

On November 8, 2016, proposition 64 was passed by a majority of California voters, making the recreational use of cannabis, by adults over the age of 21 years, legal in the State of California. Proposition 64 followed proposition 215, which had already made the medicinal use of cannabis legal in 1996. However, the legalization of […]