Real Estate Tip: Never Stop Learning

It’s very important and helpful for us, as agents/brokers, to continue our education and training even after we’ve obtained a license. There are so many new laws and regulations that come up and change, we must always keep up. Many of the associations that you’re a part of hold classes or training sessions, and even […]

Pre-Approving Buyers

All too often we come across agents who haven’t taken the time to find out if the buyers they’re working with even qualify for a loan! It’s really important to know where your buyer stands with the loan before they select a house and are ready to submit an offer. At this point, if the buyer […]

Real Estate Tip: How to complete an AVID

The Agent Visual Inspection Disclosure (AVID) has become a must have disclosure for most firms. This is to inform the prospective buyer and agent what the agent has visually inspected/noticed about the property. The agent is not acting as an inspector or a contractor in this case. This is the easiest disclosure to complete! – […]