Airbnb is reportedly launching a luxury tier for mansions and penthouses

Hold onto your Birkin because Airbnb is reportedly planning to launch a new ultra-premium tier called Airbnb Lux. According to sources speaking to Bloomberg, Lux will be for mansions, penthouses, and mega-homes that will be inspected to make sure they meet certain criteria. News recently circulated that Airbnb is planning to launch a new tier called Select, which […]

Trump Estates!

$100 Million Trump Penthouse All Gold Everything! The New President of the United States has been living lavishly in his 66th floor penthouse that has breathtaking views of Central Park and the Manhattan Skyline. The Trump family is living in a penthouse inspired to look like the luxurious Palace de Versailles in France. You enter […]


The World’s Best Looking Couple is now The World’s Most Eligible. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are OVER…no more traveling, no more children, and most importantly no more renting/buying expensive real estate. This jet setting couple was known for their pricy real estate in all parts of the world. Below will be a list of […]