Featured image credit: Sunset Sound Sunset Sound may as well be hallowed ground in Hollywood. After all, it’s where Eddie Van Halen first laid down the brown sound in the opening riffs of “Runnin’ With the Devil” introducing legions of rockers to Pasadena’s best-kept secret. In Prince’s pre-Paisley Park days, he trusted Sunset Sound when […]
Category: Celebrity
Palm Springs’ Mojave Maxine Gives Groundhog Day a Run For Its Money
Featured image credit: The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens Groundhog Day, the annual tradition you sort of forgot was a thing, is coming up on February 2. And while the rest of the U.S. (and, believe it or not, Canada) will have to wait until then for the prophetic Punxsutawney Phil to predict the coming […]
VOTE for JohnHart’s 2023 Person of the Year
It’s that time of year again at JohnHart; a time when one real estate agent is elevated by their peers to heights we’ve already known they’ve attained, but were just too humble to admit it. We won’t say it’s a time when transactions don’t matter, but maybe a time when they’re not all that matter. […]
Unique Celebrity Homes: Naomi Campbell’s Horus Eye Haven
When it comes to unique celebrity homes, Naomi Campbell’s vacation house is unlike any other. Spanish Architect, Luis de Garrido, built this getaway home on the island of Adasi Sedir in Turkey’s Gulf of Gökov, also known as Cleopatra’s Island. It was a monumental gift from Naomi’s Russian billionaire ex partner, Vladislav Doronin. Luis de […]
Luna Luna Revives a Forgotten Artist-Created Amusement Park in LA
All images: lunaluna.com A new kind of amusement park is coming to Los Angeles, but Disneyland, Universal Studios, Six Flags, and Knotts can rest easy. Sure the new park will have plenty of rides. It’s just that no one can ride them. Noted Austrian artist and showman André Heller conceived the park, dubbed Luna Luna, […]
Unique Celebrity Homes: Robert Downey Jr.’s Concrete Clubhouse
Main Photo by Sgt. Michael Connors, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons With an abundance of money surrounding some of our most beloved stars, it’s no surprise that their humble abodes may not be so humble. However, some celebs have taken it to the next level when it comes to customizing a home. Robert Downey Jr. […]
Recreate Ru-Paul’s Iconic Kitchen on a Budget with these Luxury Home Decor Dupes
Featured Image Credit: Government of California Get luxury home decor for less! Ever fantasized about transforming your home into an exquisite, celebrity enclave? Sure, we’d all love to hire top artists and designers to takeover our space and transform it into the interior design masterpiece of our dreams. But let’s face it; IT’S EXPENSIVE! Rather […]
Los Angeles Comedy Shows this Month: Legends Only
Los Angeles, CA is arguably the comedy capital of the world. The home of entertainment boasts many comedy shows every single night, but sometimes it’s hard to weed through the noise of seasoned comedians versus… well, utter crap. So, here’s a list of headliner comedians with years of experience, comedy specials, and jokes galore. If […]
Female Entrepreneurs Get a Rare Opportunity with JohnHart’s Ladies in Leadership Event
Like any proud father, JohnHart CEO, founder, and principal broker Harout Keuroghlian wanted his daughters to rule the world. Yet, looking around the real estate industry and beyond, he witnessed an overwhelming resistance stacked against female professionals. Sure, many still managed to overcome it. But the lack of justice incensed him. Then, he had a […]
The Most Hotly Anticipated Films and Events at This Year’s Palm Springs Film Festival
It’s that time again. The annual Palm Springs Film Festival is upon us! With its promotion of multicultural exchange in the Coachella Valley, the festival will screen 134 films from 64 countries. Of these films, 27 are premieres never before viewed by the public. The festivities open on Thursday, January 5, running through January 16. […]