Top 5 Smart Home Gadgets You Need in 2017

Ahhh The Tech Era, what a time to be lazy! For all of my tech nuts out there, I have compiled a list of the coolest gadgets coming soon and on the market in 2017 to make your home the smartest kid in class.


Check out my favorites for this year…


Image result for chamberlain smart garage hub

1. The Chamberlain Smart Garage Hub

This little gem hooks up to your smart phone and can be controlled with siri to open and close your garage door from anywhere! It’s one of the most affordable smart garage-door openers and is also incredibly easy to install. Choose to receive alerts when your garage door opens or closes!

Pick one up from Amazon

Chamberlain MyQ-Garage Door Opener

Related image

2. GeniCan

Your garbage can just got smarter. If making a shopping list is too time consuming, this little gadget will scan all the food items you throw away and compile a shopping list for you! It keeps track of everything you and your family need to buy and and sorts your list by aisles, offers coupons for the items you’re buying, and will offer direct shipments if you want to skip the trip altogether! It’s a sad time when you realize your trash can has just out smarted you.

check it out here:


Image result for hello egg

3. Hello Egg

Why hello. Do you like to pretend to be a chef too? Is Blue Apron just a little too much on the ingredient side? No worries, I have an eggcellent gadget for you (see what I did there?) Hello Egg is your personal recipe finder/book/creative partner/cooking gadget. This little contraption will find recipes that you ask it for and then project the videos of how to make it onto your wall. It also plans your weekly meals according to your dietary preferences and adjusts to unpredictable events, like a spontaneous at-home dinner with your vegetarian friend, supervises your pantry and orders your shopping list for you. It also streams music, has an audio news feed, tells you the weather forecast and has reminders. This is an eggspert in your kitchen. Okay, no more dad jokes.

Grab one of those right here:



Image result for hydrao

4. Hydrao Smart Showerhead

Being water savvy has never been easier! I definitely need this for my water wasting roommates! These shower heads have built in LED lights that change colors from green to purple based on how much water you’ve used. It shares info with Alexa and keeps H2O stats and lets you know if you’ve saved any money on your water and energy bills. You’re not a true Californian if you don’t have one of these.

Grab one here:

 Hydrao Shower Head

Image result for kuri robot

5. Kuri

So, robots. They’re pretty cool. I mean, I wouldn’t mind having one to call me beautiful and smart and paint my toes for me. We’re not there yet, but this little guy named “Kuri” is your personal home robot that learns all about you and adjusts to your home, requests, needs etc. It recognizes faces and context and adapts its responses accordingly. It’s a roving security camera with a bluetooth speaker and a multi-purpose assistant. Totally getting one when I become a billionaire.

Read more and send in a pre-order here:



There you have it!

These gadgets are the future of our world! Please be sure to leave some feedback and let me know what you think and which ones you’re getting!

Until next time!


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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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