Recently, our CEO and founder Harout Keuroghlian gave us an in-depth look at what separates JohnHart from our peers. His blog explored highlights including an expert support staff, investment in agent growth, and an innovative approach to time management. One role within the JohnHart brokerage that feeds into each of these resources is that of an agent liaison. Perhaps you’ve heard the term “agent liaison” before. However, industry standards don’t quite prepare you for the complexity required of JohnHart’s agent liaisons. In essence, a JohnHart agent liaison is a realtor’s right hand. But we want to really clarify what you can expect from this elite post within JohnHart’s framework. That’s why we’re going straight to the source.
A Real Estate Agent’s Wingman
Margaret Ghazarian has been working in the fast-paced role of a JohnHart agent liaison for three years now. Before that, she accrued experience as a transaction coordinator for over a decade. To everyone in the Burbank office, her rapid fire telephone ring is unmistakable. Like other agent liaisons, she commits to a seemingly non-stop schedule.

“At JohnHart, we don’t only handle the paperwork on a transaction when it goes under contract,” explains Margaret. “Our involvement with our agents begins way before that.” While other brokerages may provide their agents with support along a similar vein, the interactions remain limited. JohnHart’s agent liaisons function more similarly to the crucial wingman of a Top Gun pilot.
“Transaction Coordinators on Steroids”
“Having worked at many other brokerages, I know firsthand that some of them provide ‘transaction coordinators’, not ‘agent liaisons’,” clarifies Nancy-Marie Ruiz. She’s been working as an agent liaison in JohnHart’s Valencia office for just over a year, but has already made an indelible impression with her prior experience and range of knowledgeable skills. “The majority of transaction coordinators only handle the paperwork part of the transaction. As an agent liaison, I help my agents problem-solve throughout their transactions. I keep in constant contact with them to ensure they are staying on track with their goals. I stay extremely involved in their transactions from start to finish.”
Norberto Uriarte, an Agent Liaison who is known throughout JohnHart after over six years of service, mostly out of the Valencia office, mentions two distinct advantages a JohnHart Agent Liaison offers. “We have our own CRM system,” he points out. “And unmatched broker availability.”
“A lot of people say we are Transaction Coordinators on steroids,” laughs Nancy-Marie. It’s definitely a whole new level of support.
A Vast Array of Skilled Responsibilities
So, what can an agent in the pilot’s seat expect from a JohnHart agent liaison? “We prepare listing appointments, brainstorm points of discussion, work on accountability for an agent’s business, discuss hurdles during an escrow period, and partner in an agent’s success throughout the process,” rattles off Ghazarian without missing a beat.
Agents can take advantage of these resources from day one as Nancy-Marie details. “I assist our new agents with the extensive onboarding process that we offer,” she explains amidst listing off her numerous duties. “It’s one of the reasons why our agents here are so successful.”
This all feeds back into one of the major benefits regularly enjoyed by agents working for the JohnHart brokerage: more free time. And most of our agents choose to wisely invest that time into strategy, client relations, and ultimately amassing more transactions. For an agent feeling stymied by a drying pool of transactions, that extra free time can mean the difference between sinking and soaring.
A Day in the Life of the JohnHart Agent Liaisons

The schedule of an agent liaison may seem arbitrary with so many diverse realtors on their rosters. In fact, a rigid system could even seem counterproductive to so many unique needs and ever-shifting transactions. Yet, JohnHart’s agent liaisons do adhere to a system to help them bring unparalleled service to every agent they support.
“I calendar everything from contingency dates to meetings with clients,” explains Nancy-Marie. Her personally developed system is an ever-evolving work in progress. “And I have checklists for when I get new escrows and listings.”
In order to adequately service their agents and their varied demands, JohnHart agent liaisons rely on a secure company drive that utilizes a meticulous file system. The agent liaisons stop short of sharing any trade secrets for this interview. But given the overview, it’s obvious that a JohnHart agent liaison has to hit the ground running daily.
The Daily Routine of a JohnHart Agent Liaison
But even with an airtight system, an agent liaison has to think on their feet. “We always have issues coming up,” admits Norberto. “Normally, calls from agents. Blocking time to call agents is important.” Sometimes, that even falls to proactively reaching out to less active agents to offer assistance.
Alice Ananyan numbers among JohnHart’s pioneering agent liaisons with over a decade of service under her belt. She holds down the company’s original Glendale location, colloquially referred to as “G1.” She’s quick to point out how essential follow-up is to success as an agent liaison. “Follow up on transactions, follow up on agents’ daily routines and activities,” she lists.
“Our day starts with handling agent requests,” adds Margaret. “This can include listing requests, offer requests, coordinating a transaction while under contract, making sure the file is audited and in compliance, discussing terms, providing advice, working on verbiage to protect both our agents and clients, coaching and accountability meetings, and discussing any hurdles an agent may be facing.” With such a wealth of responsibilities, it’s easy to see how no two days are ever the same.
The Distinct Challenges of JohnHart Agent Liaisons
You can’t blame an agent for getting excited as they edge closer to escrow, especially when their clients are equally thrilled. But Margaret admits that one of the greatest challenges of the agent liaison role is communicating the importance of contracts to agents who are enthusiastically focused on closing a transaction quickly.
“Every advisory and disclosure has been added to a contract as a means to protect all parties, usually because of issues in the past,” she clarifies. “It’s my job to communicate to my agents the importance of thoroughly reading, comprehending, and signing documentation received in its legal capacity.” When a transaction is running down to the wire, an agent may occasionally want to rush the contracts. Margaret cautions that this can lead to problematic files.
Alice highlights another essential skill of the agent liaison experience: the ability to juggle tasks. When asked to pinpoint challenges unique to the role, she immediately responds, “Multitasking and communicating with multiple agents on multiple files throughout the day.”
This alludes to a greater overarching challenge: just as no two days are alike, no two agents are alike. “Having to adjust our communication and work styles for each agent can be challenging,” admits Nancy-Marie. “And multitasking to ensure that all agents are happy and prioritizing which tasks for which agent to work on first is also a challenge.”
Yet, the average JohnHart agent enjoys a seamless rapport with their dedicated agent liaison. These masters of assimilation have perfected conforming to different personality types and work styles at a moment’s notice. It’s one of those rare talents that gets more impressive the less that you notice it.
Jumping Into Every Transaction with a Head Start

Real estate is a competitive industry no matter how you look at it. That’s why it can be daunting to imagine tackling transactions in the contemporary real estate market without agent liaison assistance. But the JohnHart agent liaison brings more to the table than neatly filed paperwork and contracts. They give their agents a distinct edge.
“I believe having someone rooting for you to do well helps to keep you going, even when you feel like giving up!” emphasizes Margaret. “We help to keep our agents grounded and accountable. It feels like we’re a team, so they know their success is as important to us as it is to them.”
The relationship between an agent and their liaison often requires a strong bond. Therefore, it’s common for liaisons to maintain contact with their agents, even after they ultimately leave to form their own brokerages. As Alice points out, it can be a shocking transition. “Based on what I’ve been told by agents who have left the firm, it’s very hard to find comparable service,” she explains. “The service, communication, guidance, and speed is unmatched.”
A Win-Win Relationship
With the close bond shared by an agent and their dedicated agent liaison, the benefits of the relationship seem obvious. So, it’s no surprise that when asked about the most rewarding part of her job, Margaret immediately responded, “Seeing my agents succeed.” And this makes perfect sense. In many cases, an agent and their liaison will have shared a long road to escrow.
“After all the discussions, watching your agent apply the methods for success you’ve discussed is the most rewarding thing imaginable,” Margaret smiles before her phone erupts, summoning her to the next unique scenario.
Do you feel like your real estate goals are feasible at your current brokerage? Or are you curious about just how far you can climb with an entire support team backing you? Our agent liaisons help to pull your distant real estate goals closer… and quickly. Transactions close faster and more efficiently. Strategies are quality-checked. And when fires do happen, they’re put out more quickly. How do you think you’d do with a dedicated agent liaison supporting your every play? There’s only one way to know for sure and it all begins with you reaching out.