Absorption Rate Analysis: November 2022 Underscores That the Success of Los Angeles Homes For Sale Varies Widely By Neighborhood

November’s Absorption Rates artfully illustrate the night-and-day diversity of markets around the Greater Los Angeles area. Those who have been following this column will easily recall how October showed all (but one!) neighborhood drop toward a buyer’s market. And this was after watching several neighborhoods continuously edge further into the seller’s favor. But November kept […]

Resale Value is the Top Consideration When Browsing Los Angeles Condos for Sale

We love helping unite people with their first home. But in LA’s competitive housing market, not everyone is financially prepared for homeownership. Does that mean the door to real estate investment is closed to them? Not exactly. The city’s inventory of condominiums provides a means of securing your own place while avoiding the hefty investment […]

The 11 Most Attractive Features of Homes for Sale in Los Angeles

Feature image credit: Tichnor Brothers (Publisher) If you’re planning on selling your house, it’s not a bad time to brush up on the most attractive features of homes for sale in Los Angeles. After all, our housing market is fairly unique when compared to the rest of the country. While some of these alluring details […]

Absorption Rate Analysis: October 2022 Brings Big Changes to Houses for Sale in LA

You only need to glance at our Absorption Rate Analysis chart for October to see it was a month that brought big changes. For as long as we’ve been officially tracking absorption rates, we’ve seen almost unanimous movement toward a seller’s market. But for the first time, we actually saw all areas except one drop […]

Vin Scully’s $15M Home is a Bit Different Than Other Houses for Sale in Los Angeles

Featured image credit: Estate Photos LA It’s been a rough year for Dodgers fans. They made it through just 4 of the National League Division Series championship games before their season met its end. It wasn’t the conclusion fans envisioned earlier this year as the team won a staggering 11 games, edging out the franchise […]

What’s the Difference Between a Buyer’s Market and Seller’s Market?

Last week, we discussed our latest absorption rate statistics and how they are indicative of a seller’s market. Likely, some of you asked yourself, “What is a seller’s market?” And by comparison, you may have also wondered what defines a buyer’s market.  Recognizing the difference can be key in planning your buying or selling strategy. […]

The Importance of Making It Through a Contingency Period With Both Sides Smiling

Ideally, we’d like to work in a real estate industry in which everybody wins. Easier said than done. But contingencies, when used in good faith, help us get closer to that goal. What are contingencies? Basically, they’re conditions that can be placed on a transaction that, if not met, invalidate the transaction. This definition probably […]

You Could Be Earning Money Where You Sleep With ADU Housing

When it comes to shopping for a new home in Southern California, we’ve noticed everybody tends to want one thing: a refreshing swimming pool. But a well-designed ADU is right behind it. So, what is this ADU California residents love so much? It’s an acronym for “accessory dwelling unit” and it’s an independent living space […]