Featured image credit: National Park Service The era of P-22, the mountain lion Los Angeles residents have adopted as an unofficial mascot, is coming to an end. On Thursday December 8th, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced sudden plans for the perplexing puma. Their intent: to capture P-22 and bring him in […]
Category: Local News
Absorption Rate Analysis: November 2022 Underscores That the Success of Los Angeles Homes For Sale Varies Widely By Neighborhood
November’s Absorption Rates artfully illustrate the night-and-day diversity of markets around the Greater Los Angeles area. Those who have been following this column will easily recall how October showed all (but one!) neighborhood drop toward a buyer’s market. And this was after watching several neighborhoods continuously edge further into the seller’s favor. But November kept […]
Get to Know 9 Local Businesses That Capture the LA Spirit in Our 1st Season of Community Spotlight
JohnHart may be recognized for our unique approach to helping our clients buy and sell houses. But anyone who trades in homes knows there’s a lot more to it than the home itself. There’s the community around it. And unless you live in an isolated cabin in the deep forest, you’re going to consider community […]
The Top 9 Christmas Events Los Angeles Offers for the 2022 Holiday Season
The holiday season is upon us. But if you’re not returning home for the holidays, renting a cabin at Big Bear, or hiding from Mariah Carey, what can you do to get in the spirit? Fortunately, we have a whole slew of Christmas events Los Angeles locals can enjoy without leaving the city limits. Or […]
The Twin Palms is the Latest in a Line of Gay Resorts Palm Springs Offers. Here’s How It’s Different.
Featured photo credit: Twin Palms Resort The opening of a new resort in Palm Springs doesn’t happen everyday. But it does happen enough that it isn’t exactly news. So why are we devoting a whole blog post to the Twin Palms Resort? The latest in a long line of gay resorts Palm Springs tourists have […]
Absorption Rate Analysis: October 2022 Brings Big Changes to Houses for Sale in LA
You only need to glance at our Absorption Rate Analysis chart for October to see it was a month that brought big changes. For as long as we’ve been officially tracking absorption rates, we’ve seen almost unanimous movement toward a seller’s market. But for the first time, we actually saw all areas except one drop […]
Get Spooked by the Best Halloween Yard Displays and Walk-Throughs in the LA Area
Feature image credit: Southern California Haunt List (VanOaks Cemetery) No matter how you slice it, Los Angeles is a city that loves Halloween. Maybe it’s the series of interconnected neighborhoods, each proffering their own communal take on the Halloween spirit. Or perhaps it’s the industry insiders concocting some of the most creative amateur haunted walk-throughs […]
Would You Pay $75 Million to Live in a Luxury Condo?
You may not be willing to pony up $75 million for a luxury condo, but the Four Seasons is betting somebody will. That’s the cost of the penthouse crowning their 12-story private residences complex on the border of Beverly Hills. It should come as no surprise that $75 million is well over the record sale […]
California’s Governor Newsom Signs Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Bills Into Law
Imagine rushing out to your car in the early hours of the morning, the workday looming ahead of you. You toss your jacket and belongings in the passenger seat, flop down in front of the wheel, crank the ignition and… you’re met with a sound similar to a jet plane firing up its engines. But […]
Lucas Museum Opening Delayed Until 2025
It seems like the opening of the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art is still far, far away. If you couldn’t believe that the $1-billion museum was coming to Los Angeles before, its two-year delay should make it real. After all, this city is known for its delayed plans. The massive museum, currently in the midst […]