Absorption Rate Analysis: November 2022 Underscores That the Success of Los Angeles Homes For Sale Varies Widely By Neighborhood

November’s Absorption Rates artfully illustrate the night-and-day diversity of markets around the Greater Los Angeles area. Those who have been following this column will easily recall how October showed all (but one!) neighborhood drop toward a buyer’s market. And this was after watching several neighborhoods continuously edge further into the seller’s favor. But November kept […]

Absorption Rate Analysis: October 2022 Brings Big Changes to Houses for Sale in LA

You only need to glance at our Absorption Rate Analysis chart for October to see it was a month that brought big changes. For as long as we’ve been officially tracking absorption rates, we’ve seen almost unanimous movement toward a seller’s market. But for the first time, we actually saw all areas except one drop […]

Get Spooked by the Best Halloween Yard Displays and Walk-Throughs in the LA Area

Feature image credit: Southern California Haunt List (VanOaks Cemetery) No matter how you slice it, Los Angeles is a city that loves Halloween. Maybe it’s the series of interconnected neighborhoods, each proffering their own communal take on the Halloween spirit. Or perhaps it’s the industry insiders concocting some of the most creative amateur haunted walk-throughs […]