Here’s What to Do if the Home Insurance California Brokers Offer No Longer Covers You

If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’ve seen it’s getting harder to secure California homeowners insurance. Farmers Insurance, the second most popular home insurance California provider, just announced their intentions to place a cap on new policies. This trails even stricter decisions by State Farm and Allstate to completely cease issuing homeowner’s policies […]

That Service Fee Restaurant Owners Are Pushing is Leaving Diners Confused and Frustrated

Dining out is a major part of the quintessential Los Angeles experience. The convening of the city’s disparate cultures are mirrored in flavor combinations you won’t find anywhere else. You can discover culinary wonders to perk up palates from fine dining establishments to corner food trucks. But chasing that foodie fix is becoming more tough […]

Absorption Rate Analysis: June 2023 Sees 5 Record Highs

While June’s absorption rate statistics favored surges further into the seller’s market (no shock there), we saw a bit more balance than May’s brutal surge-fest. For one, June’s most aggressive climb was nine percentage points; a far cry from the vicious 15% lunge we saw in Upland in May. Also, while we only witnessed two […]

Absorption Rate Analysis: May 2023 – Surprise! More Seller’s Favor Surges

We hope you enjoyed last month’s drops (in all but two of our neighborhoods, anyway) closer to buyer’s territory. Because a good amount of those same neighborhoods are snapping right back up like a bungee cord, rocketing us even further into the seller’s favor. Sure, there are a couple of neighborhoods still powering on with […]