Absorption Rate Analysis: January 2023 – Is the Los Angeles Housing Market Making Big Shifts or Treading Water?

At first glance, January seems like it was a big month for the Los Angeles housing market… at least in some neighborhoods. The absorption rate had massive drops toward a buyer’s market in Encino and Northridge. That’s not to detract from decent bumps further into seller’s market territory in Burbank and Palmdale. But while these […]

JohnHart’s 12 Skills for Exponential Growth in Real Estate – Skill #3: Mindfulness

No doubt you’ve heard someone spouting the virtues of “living mindfully.” But hearing it doesn’t mean understanding it. Our CEO, founder, and principal broker Harout Keuroghlian describes mindfulness as “pausing with purpose.” And he believes in the concept so much that he’s incorporated it into JohnHart’s 12 Skills for Exponential Growth in Real Estate. Mindfulness […]

JohnHart’s 12 Skills for Exponential Growth in Real Estate – Skill #2: Relationship Building

How far do you think you’d get in your real estate career without your relationships? In this industry, success is often directly tied to the way you interact with others. And we’re not just talking about your clients. We’re talking about your fellow agents, whether in your firm or sitting across the negotiation table. We’re […]

Absorption Rate Analysis: December 2022 – “Surge” is the Word for Selling Houses in Los Angeles

If the end of 2022 is anything to go by, it’s certainly a happy new year for those selling houses in Los Angeles. The absorption rates for each of our neighborhoods surged deeper into a sellers market in December with the exception of one. Some of those surges were negligible. But one neighborhood made the […]

Absorption Rate Analysis: November 2022 Underscores That the Success of Los Angeles Homes For Sale Varies Widely By Neighborhood

November’s Absorption Rates artfully illustrate the night-and-day diversity of markets around the Greater Los Angeles area. Those who have been following this column will easily recall how October showed all (but one!) neighborhood drop toward a buyer’s market. And this was after watching several neighborhoods continuously edge further into the seller’s favor. But November kept […]

Absorption Rate Analysis: October 2022 Brings Big Changes to Houses for Sale in LA

You only need to glance at our Absorption Rate Analysis chart for October to see it was a month that brought big changes. For as long as we’ve been officially tracking absorption rates, we’ve seen almost unanimous movement toward a seller’s market. But for the first time, we actually saw all areas except one drop […]

Absorption Rate Analysis: September 2022 (Mostly) Leans Harder Into a Seller’s Market

Has it already been a month since our last absorption rate roundup? September’s numbers are in and we’re seeing most neighborhoods trending upward with higher absorption rates than August. If we’re using the universally accepted 20% indicator of a healthy seller’s market, then every neighborhood but one is still a seller’s market. But as our […]