Absorption Rate Analysis: December 2023 – Secretly Good News for Buyers?

As our absorption rate analysis blogs have likely emphasized by now, statistics are often at the whim of interpretation. These numbers are concrete: they tell us something that actually happened. A certain number of homes were sold in a given area. A certain number of homes were on the market in that same area. Anything […]

JohnHart’s 12 Skills for Exponential Growth in Real Estate: Skill #11 – Influencing

Before we started writing our regular JohnHart 12 Skills for Exponential Growth in Real Estate column, our CEO, Founder, and Principal Broker, Harout Keuroghlian, wrote an insightful and exploratory blog on the power of influence. While the practice of influencing hasn’t changed since that blog was published, its importance in real estate has stirred up […]

Absorption Rate Analysis – November 2023: Significant Jumps and Drops Bring an Unusual End to Autumn

Last month, we talked about the calm before the storm. Well, we wouldn’t ring the alarms just yet, but November gave us a bit more drama than October with some decent rises and falls across the Greater Los Angeles area. It’s a surprising amount of absorption rate activity for a time when the market is […]

JohnHart’s Skills for Exponential Growth in Real Estate: Skill #10 – Daily Reading

Now that we understand that the storyteller is the most powerful person in the world, how can we use some of that same juice to expand our minds? By feeding stories (or information) to ourselves through daily reading. Whether you’re reading fiction or non-fiction, eBooks or physical media, newspapers or blogs, regular reading is a […]

Absorption Rate Analysis – October 2023: The Calm Before the Storm?

While the real estate industry is still reeling from a federal jury’s decision to rule against the National Association of Realtors, October’s absorption rates may be feeling like the calm before the storm. There may be candy wrappers blowing gently off the streets on November 1. But October brought no tricks or treats to the […]

Absorption Rate Analysis – September 2023: Things Look Up for Buyers as Absorption Rates Sink Down

Temperatures in SoCal may be about to rise again, but September was, appropriately enough, all about the fall. And we’re not talking about changing seasons. With the exception of two of our neighborhoods, all areas dropped closer to a buyer’s market this month or simply treaded water. And of the two that moved further into […]

JohnHart’s 12 Skills for Exponential Growth in Real Estate: Skill #9 – Storytelling

Don’t see how storytelling relates to real estate? In what has widely been decried as one of the worst endings in television history, Game of Thrones explained away its conflicts when a main character resolutely proclaimed:  “What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags? Stories. There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing […]

Absorption Rate Analysis August 2023: A Low Drama Month to Follow a High Drama Year

After a few months of drama, it seems the summer’s absorption rates are going into the fall with a whimper instead of a bang. No record highs for any neighborhoods. No lows either. Compared to previous months, the shifts in position were modest with the exception of one desert community. Can you guess which one? […]

Absorption Rate Analysis: July 2023 is Dropping It Like It’s Hot… Because It Is

Leave it to the hottest month on record to deliver a breath of fresh air to Southern California homebuyers. While it’s not exactly unanimous, 10 of the 12 neighborhoods we monitor dropped closer to a buyer’s favor. And we’re not talking about minor drops in most cases. One neighborhood even sank a surprising 18 percentage […]