If you’re reading this right now than you lived through an extraordinary day yesterday!
Harout Keuroghlian
Congratulations: New La Canada Office Coming Soon
Preface: The email below was sent to our real estate agents and brokers, and at first the intention was to privately convey our appreciation and to acknowledge that this achievement is all of ours (not just a corporate win, but a team win); however this is a message that we truly believe and we’re not […]
End Game: The Vince Lombardi Leadership Model (Part IV)
“Almost any Vision, if it is sound, will succeed- as long as people are motivated and inspired to make it work.” This is encouraging news, and yet, though this promise makes it seem easy, we now know by working our way through the principles and values of Vince Lombardi’s legacy, that these words are weighted […]
Lead With Integrity: The Vince Lombardi Leadership Model (Part III)
At the beginning of the last blog on leadership, I mentioned that character and integrity are closely woven together, often interchangeable, and are both based on moral qualities that one builds and develops inside themselves. However, there are subtle but significant differences between character and integrity. For instance, character is often referred to as being […]
On The Shoulders Of Giants: The Vince Lombardi Leadership Model (part II)
char·ac·ter (definition)* – ˈkerəktər/ – noun 1. The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. “running away was not in keeping with her character” in·teg·ri·ty (definition)* – inˈteɡrədē/ – noun 1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. “he is known to be a man of integrity” (* web […]
What It Takes To Be Number One – The Vince Lombardi Leadership Model
Years ago I read What It Takes To Be #1, a book about Vince Lombardi written by possibly the closest person to him: his son, and while it may not be a long book it left a lasting impression on me. The book does an excellent job outlining Lombardi’s beliefs, habits, and character, but what […]
Perception Is Reality
Perception is reality. This is a very simple, fundamental, and true phrase. I believe most people don’t give this phrase enough credit. The way successes and obstacles are viewed change the dynamic of how you handle them, how they are compartmentalized and remembered, and how they contribute to building a successful or unsuccessful future. […]
Los Angeles County Real Estate Forecast for Fall 2014
“There is no present or future, only the past happening over and over again – now.” – Eugene O’Neill Ok, so that quote might be a tad dramatic, but the fact remains that we can often tell a lot about the future simply by looking at the past, the present, and the contrast between […]
Kids Never Killed Kids on Leave it to Beaver
I need your help!! I hope you are as passionate about reading this as I was about writing it. I need your help. I’d like to spread the word so please share, forward, like, post, comment, whatever. Just tell everyone. I’m a Dad and I’m freaking out.
Buying & Selling Los Angeles Property This Spring: will it be sunshine & rainbows or…
In the housing market, Spring always brings an increase in sales. As the weather warms and summer nears, potential buyers are normally very eager to find a home and lock into a school district before fall comes around – this year that’s not the case.