Your Business Plan in #Double20: Exhaust Every Minute

Exhaust Every Minute wristbands, one with red text, one with white text

Anyone who’s anyone knows that if you’re involved with business (especially running your own!) the most important thing you do first is develop a kick-ass business plan. What a lot of people, especially in our industry, forget to do is modify, upgrade, and enhance their business plan as times, seasons, and progression change the landscape. As we rapidly approach the close of 2019, it’s vital to implement not only an “end of the year” business plan, but one that seamlessly transitions into a very aggressive and compressive 2020 plan of attack. Why not start your ambition to conquer 2020 now? What is holding you back? Instead of a 12-month business plan, why not adjust your numbers and thinking to craft a 13-month business plan that starts today? There is one phrase that has stuck with me so much I decided to put it on a wrist band “Exhaust Every Minute.” What this means is exactly what it says: suck the marrow out of every moment. Do not let moments, minutes, hours, or days pass you by; do not let them just exist in the mediocre, do not let a week with an important event or holiday potentially ruin the momentum you’ve generated.

If you’d like an “Exhaust Every Minute” wristband, here’s how:

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*Don’t forget to direct message (dm) myself or JohnHart Real Estate, on Facebook or Instagram (@haroutkeuroghlian) (@jhhre) with your address and color choice (red or white text)*

After the impending holidays, it is not only usual to set up some resolutions for the new year, but also to become overwhelmed or complacent. You’re no longer in a food coma; you’re in a developmental or forward-moving coma, where everything, suddenly, appears incredibly daunting. It only takes 17 days on average to break New Year’s resolutions, even though it takes 66 days to make new habits habitual. That means in half the time you’re more likely to give up on any preconceived ambition, rather than allow your drive and motivation propel you into the success that existed inside you all along. We need to change that!! You need to step into the success in front of you instead of keeping it in front of you!! Manifest the success you are craving and make it tangible. Take it and do not be afraid to put yourself out on a limb so you can achieve all you have been aiming for.

One of the most critical ways to achieve that level of success is through personal responsibility. Be humble enough, but also proud enough, to take responsibility for all that you do. The impressive and out-of-the-box ideas and thinking you have implemented? Take responsibility for that— you deserve it!! The quarters where you conquered, dominated or achieved all you put forth in your business plans for those months? You earned it!! Don’t get cocky, get comfortable receiving the accolades and allow that energy to encourage and propel you forward. On the flip side, the mistakes you have made or the timeline you fell short on? The ambitious numbers you put forth that you didn’t reach? The stagnancy you are suddenly finding yourself up against? You must take responsibility for that too. You simply cannot take the one without the other. Power only exists when you take responsibility. Don’t allow your power to shift because you shift blame or responsibility to someone else. Keep the power in your hands and in your sights by being responsible, micromanaging all that takes place under your managerial eye, and remember, the buck stops with you!

Secondly, but just as importantly, remember that “real freedom is achieved through discipline.” Not only do we teach this here at JohnHart, but we also lend you the immediate tools to start a self-discipline regime. I cannot emphasize enough the significance of regular morning routines. (I can’t even count how many individualized blogs I’ve penned about how vital morning routines are to your quest for success) You don’t know how many people have asked me if they can do their morning routines at night because “I’m just not much of a morning person.” No!! Morning routines exist because they start your day off right! Morning routines are proven to double productivity, which is not shocking because they heighten your senses and make you keenly aware of your actions. Additionally, when you begin your day awake, aware, and motivated, it often translates to significantly more time in your day. Imagine gaining upwards of an hour versus starting your day off sluggishly thinking, “What was I going to do now?” Morning routines are in place to set you up for optimum success and get your mind, body, and spirit in the right place. Use them to channel all the right energy, take responsibility, tackle all the goals of today, and finish strong every day, week, month, and year! We can all be more intentional. We can all be more focused. There are wasted moments in all of our days. Let’s not keep wasting moments but instead take advantage of every opportunity and minute we have to find and achieve success!

One of the most essential things you can do to grow any business is to continue building contacts. Meet new people every day. Do not let those meetings pass you by and do not miss the opportunity to exchange information with whomever you meet. Move away from the salesman-like mentality and build genuine, deep, long-lasting relationships with people, so they can appreciate your effort and trust you. Integrity is one of the most fundamental characteristics you can possess and people, no matter who they are, can sense desperation a mile away. Therefore, focus on broadening your personal base and growing your interpersonal relationships. Show people how you can be a benefit to them and build deep relationships that go beyond “How can I help you or your friends and family sell their homes?” Those who take interest and learn about their connections (kids’ names, birthdays, favorite family pet, etc.) have a real leg up on the competition.

Finally, taking responsibility, implementing self-discipline, and focusing on interpersonal, deep relationships should demonstrate what separates you from others in your industry. Don’t blend in— stand out!! Avoid generic and common words or phrases to define you, such as — “I’m honest!!” No one should promote themselves as dishonest, so ultimately this isn’t a personally descriptive or defining characteristic. Know how to market yourself!! Take the time to develop the characteristics that you want to define you; if you find it too difficult, ask others what sets you apart in your field! A little self-reflection combined with outside feedback should produce a reliable, honest result.

I leave you with this phrase, which is one I believe defines me and one that should define all of us: “Rage to master.” We are storms. We are meant to shake things up. We are meant to be intentional. We are meant to cause uproar wherever we go and leave imprints and change intentions in others, where they didn’t expect change or intention to be. Do not be afraid to succeed. Where there is success, there is also failure, and you have to be ready for that too. Recognize that all who succeed have also failed. It is part of the process. And therefore, it is inevitable. But do not let your failures define you. Let your successes do that. You cannot be afraid and also rage. It is impossible. So, you must get out of your own way to be able to unabashedly tackle, charge at, conquer and rage to master.

Remember, you are capable of much more than you think. The process requires work, intention, self-discipline, and true, forceful pursuit of success. Many will try, but few will actually fulfill and surpass their own expectations. The bottom line is: Will it be you? Let’s begin 2020 TODAY and let’s not put on the brakes until we’ve mastered it. Your possibilities are limitless— let’s start achieving your goals today.

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After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.

About Harout Keuroghlian

After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.


Good morning chief,

I need to close a minimum of 3 transactions for January in order to rock 2020.
I have to open these escrows this month in order to hit that target.

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