The Top 25 Realtors for Q1 2018

Hustle isn’t just a term we use to motivate ourselves or describe our work ethic.

Its not just a verb, or noun, or adjective that we use casually use in our everyday conversations.

It’s a belief.

Hustle is how every JohnHart staff member, agent, and broker wakes up, works, and goes to bed.

Hustle is the word we use to describe our everyday vigor, grit, and tenacity. Its part of our fibers, it’s in our veins, and when we say it, we mean it.

This Was Our Best First Quarter Thus Far

 Yes, we said it. We had grit, will, and nerves of steel. With a relentless approach from the start and a #CantStopWontStop sprint to the finish line, this first quarter is just a glimpse of what we intend to do for the year…#CrushIt.

We saw a strong push from every one of our agents and an even stronger one from our Top 25.

This same mentality is what defines our Top 25 every quarter.We see the situation from an outside perspective and what we see is that the Brokers and Agents who make these top Realtor lists are the ones who understand that in order to achieve more they must do more. They must hustle.  They don’t take shortcuts, they take longcuts, and understand that the end goal is bigger than them.

What you will notice by looking at the list below is that this list is comprised of new agents, experienced agents, young agents, old agents, and some pleasant surprises – but above all you will notice that these agents are all agents who are active, hold themselves accountable, and refuse to relent in their efforts to succeed.

Cheers to everyone who made the list, and cheers to all the #Hustle that drives us all!


  1. Albert and Roubina

  2. Martin and Mike

  3. Haik and Lily

  4. Cyndi Lesinski & Associates

  5. Amy and Marlin

  6. Raffi Soualian

  7. Team House

  8. Robbyn Battles

  9. Nonna and Nadia

  10. Melissa Urena

  11. Rafael Gevorkian

  12. Manny Morales

  13. Tom Barseghian

  14. George Antaplyan

  15. Marine Janikyan

  16. Nick Khachian

  17. Rosa Pena

  18. Antonio Vaziri

  19. Nairy Stepanyan

  20. Alba Cole

  21. Brian Larsen

  22. Eddie Minassian

  23. Christina Marquez

  24. Tammy Delwarte

  25. Argin Nercissian

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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