My Daughter Chloe

chloe biking for business

This past weekend I was able to steal some time away for myself, as it was a long holiday weekend, and I decided to spend it with my daughter teaching her how to ride a bicycle.  In the past few decades I’ve tackled some pretty ambitious undertakings, including building more than a handful of businesses, but for some reason this one had me kind of nervous.  What if she hurt herself?  What if she didn’t get it?  What if she hated riding a bike?  Would she blame me for the rest of her life?  Would dinner be awkward every night until I let her start dating when she’s 30? (Yes, I said 30 ;-))  It’s one of those big father-daughter/son moments and I didn’t want to botch it!  Nevertheless, we dove in and not only did I realize that my concerns were frivolous and I also noticed the unequivocal parallels between learning to ride a bike and our industry. 


When you are setting out to learn how to ride a bike, you have to perfect your technique first.  It takes balance, persistence, consistency, motivation, confidence, commitment, and technical skill.  It also requires propulsion and momentum, that all important push-off-start and the commitment to continue to do better.  No one climbs on a bike and masters it their first time.  There’s a reason for this, and I believe the essence of it lies in the fact that “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”  The PROCESS of learning is AS important as the skill you’re actually acquiring, but there is also a reason for sayings such as “It’s like riding a bike” (referencing that once you learn, it isn’t a skill you forget).  


Take a second and think back to when you were learning to ride.  Every small victory not only brought excitement about that accomplishment, it also brought anticipation and desire for the next.   First you made it five feet, and then wanted to go 10.  Then you went 10 and wanted 20.  Even in the “fails” one finds victories.  Falling off onto your feet, for instance, leads to being able to hop off.  Wobbling and veering teaches you to turn, navigate, and ride steady. The point of this illustration isn’t just to make us all nostalgic, it’s to show that we should be striving for success in small milestones, shooting for the next greater success, and finding the success in our failures.


In our business, it’s easy to become complacent or, even worse, let insecurity in our own abilities sabotage our climb to success.  We just need to spend a little more time with the basic fundamentals of building our business.  It’s time to get back to basics – it’s never too early, and it’s never too late.  Step out in confidence – don’t let past failures dictate ultimate failure, let them guide you in the right direction.  Allow yourself to be vulnerable to the process.  Allow yourself to fall, knowing that when you get back up, you will be stronger for it.  Let’s not lose that child-like excitement that we all had when we learned this amazing new skill.  


I saw the passion, and the almost reverence, my daughter had for her bike.  It’s the same look I have seen in hundreds of new agents eyes.  The excitement, the innocent anticipation, the dream.  And with that look comes the commitment.  The more my daughter rode, the further she wanted to go.  It’s the same in real estate: we start with one sale, four sales, 10 sales a year.  We don’t want to settle or slow down.  We want to go further and further. There’s never a destination too far, there’s never a number too ambitious.  However, we need to continue honing our skills, educating ourselves on the changes in the market, and maintain that ever-important forward momentum that we have built. Just. Keep. Going. 


Just as with committing to the process of riding your bike, if you commit to the cycle of success and the drive to achieve, success is inevitable.  After all, no one is learning to ride a bike for 20 years!  Once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature. Why should our industry be any different? 


Learning to ride a bike is a sort of right-of-passage.  Lots of children learn to do it and most of them succeed.  So where does the hindrance come from in our industry?  Why is there so little success in an industry where so many people set out with dreams of grandeur?  Where is the commitment?  The unwavering dedication?  The self-confidence and go-get-it mentality?  I know it’s there, in all of us.  I also know that we have come this far for a reason, and we all still have miles to go.  But with the ability to ride that bike, the journey becomes easier and the destination is inevitable.  Look forward to the bumps and bruises in this amazing journey we call life, because without them success wouldn’t be half as sweet!

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After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.

About Harout Keuroghlian

After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.


Those are classic moments you both will never forget! One day I’ll share with you how my grandfather beat me roller skating 🙂

Great analogy Harout! Chloe is extremely Blessed! Making memories that will last a lifetime…???

Amazingly written Harout. This writing really hit home for me. Getting the license is not the hard part ~ the hard part is not to give up when one gets smacked left and right….

ohhhhhhhh….I remember teach my son…LOL best feeling in the world when they actually get it…

Love this:
“it’s never too early, and it’s never too late”
Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, “It’s never too late to be what you could have been”
Thank you for the inspiration Harout.

First of all, she’s so cute and no doubt she’s very smart, after all where else would she get her genes from? ? Second, I really love how you actually took your own daughter’s first experience in one of the best things kids love to do and incorporated that into how our industry operates and how we are very similar to a child who learns something new and moves forward stop by step. Reading this truly touched me, because when people read about children they first think “oh it’s so cute and all,” but once you understand how their little steps are very similar to success in life that’s when certain things click. Chloe is double lucky, number one for being a very wise kid and second, that she already has very powerful parents to look up to. And by power I don’t mean profession, I mean knowledge and experience. A lot of kids grow up these days not learning much from their parents, I can truly see your place in her life Harout. Although you may not be able to spend “too much” time doing these things, but I’m am pretty sure that you’re on her site 24/7 and will always do the best for her…and she already realized that. I value it! This story touched me twice; from a parent prospective and as a professional. Valuable advice and amazing read as usual. Thank you! (Sorry for the lengthy comment) lol

Priceless moments and Lifetime memories in both ours and our children’s hearts.

You are truly and inspiration to all of us in so many ways… Thank you for constantly reminding us the keep on pushing but also not to forget to enjoy the ride!

Thank you for sharing Harout! Kudos for Chloe!! She is as talented and charming as her dad!

Priceless moments indeed , its important to spend time with our children time goes by so quickly so spend it as much as you can.Your a good example to your child.

How adorable!!
So well said! And how lucky your little girl is with a dad like you!

You are one hell of person & I idolize you for who you are. Your moments with your kid will linger forever. Spend as much time with her now as you can for one day these memories will make you smile and long for it. Happy Birthday to your Beautiful daughter. At 30? You are too possessive. Thanks for everything!!!

Chloe is Adorable! You’re constant dedication to incorporating life’s lessons in your Professional Expertise is Awesome! You’re Amazing all around, Thank You for Always Inspiring Me & so many…

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