Top 25 Real Estate Agents and Brokers at JohnHart for Q1 2016

Well that went quickly didn’t it?  The first quarter of 2016 has come to an end and we are now heading into the second quarter which a lot of momentum and energy; however before we say adieu to Q1 we wanted to announce the top 25 Realtors at JohnHart Real Estate.  

There are two main reasons we want to announce the top 25:

  1. These Agents & Brokers deserve some recognition for their hard work, ambition, and tenacity; and because
  2. We want all of you to see how accessible this list is, and to see that you could very well make the Q2 list if you stay the course and redouble your efforts!


At the end of every quarter the executive staff here at JH sits down and reviews the production of every agent we have individually to check on how they have progressed, improved, and are succeeding with our firm.  We like to have a finger on the pulse and this review allows us to spot rising stars and conversely individuals who may need a little more help, or are going through a tough time.  We usually don’t highlight the Top 25 because in our eyes all of our agents deserve (and receive) the same attention, but this past quarter our Top 25 was so inspirational that we had to share.

What you will notice by looking at the list below is that this list is comprised of new agents, experienced agents, young agents, old agents, and some pleasant surprises – but above all you will notice that these agents are all agents who are active, hold themselves accountable, and refuse to relent in their efforts to succeed.  When you look at this list you shouldn’t see a list of your colleagues and peers, you should see yourself at the end of next quarter.  We are heading into the “hot” season and we want to see movement on this list at the end of Q2 – sorry to the current 25 but you have some competition coming your way.  Visualize yourself on this list and then put into practice all the training you have been given to make it a reality.  Expect and accept nothing less than the best from yourselves and you will be on this list.

Congrats to everyone that made the Top 25 below, and congrats to YOU for making the Q2 list in three months!

*Note: this list is based on quantity of properties SOLD, and in the event that there was a tie then we defaulted to dollar amount sold to determine between the two.

1. Real Estate People – Albert and Roubina
2. Melissa Urena
3. Cyndi Lesinski and Associates
4. Team House – Tamar and Ryan House
5. Amy and Marlin
6. The Barasch Group – Michael Barasch
7. Nonna G and Nadia M
8. Koko Partamian
9. Raffi Soualian
10. Manny Morales
11. Marina Sermanian
12. Christina Marquez
13. Jasmen Ghookassian
14. Asya Akopyan
15. Jesse Vargas
16. Vick Tasmajian
17. Juan Lastre
18. Jason Sweet
19. Sally Lee
20. Elaine Quizon
21. Alba Cole
22. Brian Larsen and Felyce Rhodes
23. Mina Yashreel
24. Jack Kassabian
25. Presidential Realty – Chris Torres

Nice work everyone!

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)


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