Congratulations: New La Canada Office Coming Soon

La Canada Office

La Canada Office

Preface: The email below was sent to our real estate agents and brokers, and at first the intention was to privately convey our appreciation and to acknowledge that this achievement is all of ours (not just a corporate win, but a team win); however this is a message that we truly believe and we’re not going to say it privately and tell a different story publicly – so without further ado, here is the announcement of our newest location!  


I wanted to be the first one to congratulate all of you on your new office!  Yes, you read that sentence correctly.  You are all getting a new office.

As you know one of the benefits of working at JohnHart is that we are not a franchise operation, therefore any JohnHart office anywhere is your office.  You can book meetings at any JohnHart office, use the resources at any of our locations, and call any of our locations home.  Here’s an example:

Client: Where are you located?
You:  I have an office in Glendale, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Palmdale, and LA CANADA. Which office is most convenient for you to meet at?

Yep, you once again read that correctly:  As of last week we have locked in an amazing location in La Canada and have already started construction!

La Canada is a pivotal position for us because it up opens the doors to the east Pasadena etc., gives us access to La Canada, La Crescenta, Tujunga, and Sunland/Sun Valley.  It also builds the credibility of the entire brand which brings weight to everything you say and do – even if it is nowhere near La Canada.

Aside from the added value of another location, I also wanted to congratulate each and every one of you on this office because without you it wouldn’t exist.  Through your efforts, your hard work, your dedication, and only through that are we able to grow this company.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:  we are not glorified landlords here – everything that we make, we invest back into the company.  Whether it is getting new software, new services, hiring more staff to assist, making charitable donations, hosting events, or acquiring new locations, everything goes back into helping all of you expand your reach and increase your efficiency and effectiveness!

So, take great pride in knowing that you did this, this is yours, and you now have 5 offices instead of 4 – Congratulations!!!


For outside agent & broker inquiries regarding this office, please contact us @ 818-630-7814 or click here to learn more about what JohnHart offers their agents!

More pictures coming soon, but JohnHart La Canada will be up and running shortly and will be located at 1420 Foothill Blvd., La Canada, CA  91011.


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After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.

About Harout Keuroghlian

After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.


I am so proud of being part of this generous and successful company! I couldn’t ask for more a full time Liaison Agent who attends all my needs in all my transactions even when I am out of town, a professional photographer who makes my listings look amazing! all the tools that I need to go to the next level. I am truly blessed that I am part of this family. Thank you Harout, John, Henrik, Mitch and all the staff that always answer the phone with a smile. Love you all!!

Congratulations Harout, and thank you so much for everything that you & your staff do for us.
May god bless you and your family.
I’m very proud to be part of this Company.

We Love You.

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