Annual Toy Drive Event For Teens Fighting Cancer



Toys For Teens will be holding their 3rd annual Gala For Giving  tonight in Glendale, and asks for public support in their crusade to collect toys for teenagers battling cancer at City of Hope.   

GLENDALE – December 10, 2014 –  This evening at 7 pm, at the MGN Five Star Cinema on Maryland Avenue in Glendale, Toys For Teens is hosting their annual Gala For Giving –  an event aimed at gathering toys for the teenagers fighting cancer at City of Hope Cancer Research Hospital in Duarte.  Toys For Teens, a charitable organization dedicated to raising awareness about teenage cancer and spreading joy to those battling it, is joined by it’s benefactor JohnHart Real Estate and other generous sponsors for an evening of cocktails, lively conversation, and fundraising.  The event is open to the public and to gain entry all one must do is bring a toy befitting of a teen or make a small donation at the door.  To RSVP and to get more information regarding the event, please visit

“This year alone nearly 20,000 teenagers will be diagnosed with cancer” said John Maseredjian, Vice President of JohnHart Real Estate and Board Member of Toys For Teens, “That’s 20,000 teens who will be robbed of those essential adolescent experiences which we all take for granted.  Experiences such as a high school dance, playing sports, or a first kiss, will be altered or omitted entirely from their life story due to their condition, treatments, or concerns.  That’s why we do this, because these teens deserve to smile and deserve a momentary distraction from their harsh reality.”

“Last year we were able to raise over $10,000 in donations and a lot of toys for the teens at City of Hope, but this year we are hoping to do even better!” said Harout Keuroghlian, CEO of JohnHart Real Estate, “We’re inviting everyone to come out and show their support for these wonderful teens by bringing a toy or two to help the cause, and while it may seem trivial the joy a toy can bring can make all the difference in the world.  As we say ‘Give A Toy. Give A Smile. Give Hope’.”

About the Gala For Giving

Hosted by Toys For Teens and JohnHart Real Estate, this event is aimed entirely at generating toys for the teenagers fighting cancer at City of Hope.  The event is an informal, public gathering at the MGN Five Star Cinema on Maryland Ave. in Glendale, CA, and will begin promptly at 7 pm.   A toy or donation gains one access to the lounge including a full bar and complementary sangria for patrons over the age of 21.   This year we have decided to add the Genesis Dream Foundation to our Gala’s beneficiaries, and will be selling tshirts at the entrance to the event to raise funds to help homeless children in Tijuana, Mexico.  We are very proud to be able to help out this great foundation, and encourage all in attendance to pick up a tshirt!

We would also like to issue a special thank you to our sponsors for everything they have done and continue to do to help Toys For Teens, and those sponsors are: One Key Escrow,, City of Hope, and PMAC Lending Services Inc.  Thank you all and we hope to see you tonight night!




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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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