PMAC Lending Services and JohnHart – Partners With A Plan

pmac and johnhart

pmac and johnhart

Those who know JohnHart Real Estate, know that we pride ourselves on NOT being “Glorified Landlords” – a brokerage that hangs a sign and rents out desks to agents and brokers without offering anything in return.  In fact the reason we started JH was because we felt that the “do everything yourself and give us a piece of your commission” mentality was absurdly antiquated, and that by investing in our agents we would be able to help them increase their business exponentially.  

So we pulled together a team of experts from various backgrounds and made it our motto to redefine real estate.

We started by creating a back office system comprised of Agent Liaisons, Transaction Coordinators, Showing Coordinators, Assistants, Transaction Managers, a Marketing Department, and a Realtor Relations Department.  Next we developed proprietary software to increase our agents efficiency and effectiveness, building in functionality that automates tedious processes, and setting up safe guards against common mistakes that cause deals to go bad.  Then we added a professional photographer and videographer to the roster.  After that came our lead generation tools, which allow us to attract the right people at the right time and to distribute those leads effortlessly.  Then we added a robust Real Estate CRM so that our agents can set up drip campaigns, and stay in front of said leads until they convert… then… then… And so on, and so forth…

I would say that the end result of our efforts are that our closing rate is extremely high, our listing capture rate is unbelievable, and our cancellation rate is near zero, but the truth is that we don’t have an end result – because we are not done!

We believe that we can always do more to help our agents.  We believe that innovation is not something you do, it is something you live.  We believe that it is our job to continually add value to being a JohnHart Realtor.

With that being said I would like to announce our latest value adding proposition: a Marketing Partnership with PMAC Lending Services Inc.

JohnHart Real Estate has been Strategic Alliance Partners with Bank of America, Priority Partners with Chase, and is now also Marketing Partners with PMAC.

Why do we establish relationships with national lenders?  Because by doing so we are putting our agents in a position where they are able to gain referral business from mortgage bankers, they are able to expand their knowledge of loan products, they are able to offer their clients a wider array of loan products/programs, and they are able to further increase their odds of closing their deals.  (If you doubt this, you should know that because of our Priority Partnership with Chase we were able to save a $2.3 Million Dollar sale in Beverly Hills last year – and that is just one example!)

Keep your eyes peeled for a national press release in the next few days regarding this announcement, AND if you are a PMAC customer keep your eyes peeled for a photo of a JohnHart Realtor on your next mortgage statement!

Want to know more about what we do for our agents?  Click here for a quick summary of the benefits!

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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