Real Estate Tip: Termite Inspection


Termite is one of the most common inspections during a real estate transaction. It’s customary, in a standard sale, for the seller to provide a termite report and to pay for section 1 of the work to be completed. Section 2 of report is commonly paid by the buyer.

If you’re requesting termite (AKA wood destroying pests and organisms) on the Residential Purchase Agreement, section 4 A1, you must also include the C.A.R form WPA (Wood Destroying Pest Inspection And Allocation of Cost Addendum). This form will specify again who shall pay for the report, as well as section 1 and section 2 for work recommended on the report.

What is the difference between section 1 and section 2 you ask?

Section 1 contains items where there is evidence of active infestation (termites, etc.), infections (wood decay fungi) or conditions and that have resulted in or from infestation or infection on the date of inspection.

Section 2 items are conditions deemed likely to lead to infestation or infection but where no visible evidence of such was found on the date of inspection.

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Jenny Manukyan is the Transaction Manager here at JohnHart Real Estate, as well as an agent herself. Being the supervisor and "linchpin" in our short sale operations, has endowed Jenny with invaluable knowledge; and here on the JohnHart Gazette she hopes to share that with you all!

About Jenny Manukyan

Jenny Manukyan is the Transaction Manager here at JohnHart Real Estate, as well as an agent herself. Being the supervisor and "linchpin" in our short sale operations, has endowed Jenny with invaluable knowledge; and here on the JohnHart Gazette she hopes to share that with you all!

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