Real Estate Tip: Smoke Detector Regulations

As of January 1st, 2014, the regulations for smoke detectors are changing. It is a minor change, but is an important one to pay attention to. Violators may be cited and fined $200! In order to avoid this fine, the California Health & Safety Code requires that at the time of a new tenancy, each residential dwelling (including single-family homes & multi-family apartments), must have operable smoke detectors. Newly Installed smoke detectors must have at least a ten-year life and use a non-replaceable, non-removable battery. They may also be hard-wired with a battery back-up.

Please note that this new regulation does not apply to existing & functioning smoke detectors. This only applies to newly installed models. Very important for your sellers/landlords to know in the coming year when you’re listing their property.

*According to the California Building Code, one smoke detector should be placed on EACH floor in non-sleeping areas. Also, one smoke detector must be installed in EACH sleeping area (bedrooms, converted garage, back house, etc.) AND an additional one should be placed in EACH hallway that leads directly to the sleeping areas.

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Jenny Manukyan is the Transaction Manager here at JohnHart Real Estate, as well as an agent herself. Being the supervisor and "linchpin" in our short sale operations, has endowed Jenny with invaluable knowledge; and here on the JohnHart Gazette she hopes to share that with you all!

About Jenny Manukyan

Jenny Manukyan is the Transaction Manager here at JohnHart Real Estate, as well as an agent herself. Being the supervisor and "linchpin" in our short sale operations, has endowed Jenny with invaluable knowledge; and here on the JohnHart Gazette she hopes to share that with you all!

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