JohnHart Real Estate’s Burbank Grand Opening: Burroughs Vs. Burbank High School Challenge

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johnhart burbank

Sunday, October 20, 2013.  A day that will come to be known as the day two teams battled fiercely for their country (Burbank, CA), their people (Burroughs/Burbank High), their pride (Indians/Bulldogs), and the last slice of Big Mama’s & Papa’s pizza!     

I can remember it clearly, as if it was yesterday…  The sun rose at 7:03 am with a sense of urgency and anticipation for what was to come.  Not to discredit the sun on any other day, but something was noticeably different.  The air was thick, and clung to one as they moved through it.  As if every step taken was one of great significance.  The world spun in slow motion as JohnHart Burbank was transformed from an office on N. Hollywood Way into an arena fit for the finest gladiators.

Then it happened.  At 4 pm.  The first sighting of a Burroughs “Indian” approaching, soon followed by a Burbank “Bulldog”.  The two teams, along with their patrons and other guests, began to arrive in rapid succession.  One after another they piled into the arena.  Hungry for competition, and pizza, the energy built until it was palpable.  Slow motion ceased to exist; and was replaced by fast forward, as the two teams met on the court.

The battle lasted 120, maybe even 180, minutes.  Displays of whit, intellect, and strength, were seen in challenges such as “PIG”, “Around The World”, and a “60 second timed shoot-out”; however the victor ultimately would be the one who balanced brains with brawns.

When the day was done and the sun had retired, the winner was announced:  it was both Burroughs & Burbank High School.  While the John Burroughs Indians had technically defeated the Burbank Bulldogs in 3 out of 4 challenges, the auction of silence, in addition to the generous donations, and the wristband sales, raised enough funds to bolster both schools’ girls basketball programs!

Joking aside, all of us at JohnHart Real Estate would like to thank everyone who came out and helped us celebrate the grand opening our Burbank location.  More importantly we would like to thank those of you who generously donated at the event, and helped us raise funds for these great schools.  Your contributions, regardless of size, were greatly appreciated by the girls on both teams.

We would also like to thank Big Mama’s & Papa’s Pizza, Handy’s Market, Santoro’s, and Granville Café, for their generous food donations; the Burbank Fire Dept., the Burbank PD, & Councilman Jess Talamantes, for coming out to show their support; and last but not least Gary & David Dginger for sponsoring the petting zoo.  You all made the event that much better!

Again, thank you all for coming out and we look forward to seeing everyone at our next charity event.

If you weren’t able to make it, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show below.

After all living vicariously is better than not living at all!

(To get a copy of a photo, please visit our facebook page:  CLICK HERE to download a copy of a photo or tag yourself!)

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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