Feng Shui and Real Estate

feng shui

feng shui

According to a recent survey in China, the United States is the No. 1 country where Chinese people immigrate to.  Some of the reasons for this preference are that the US is known for it’s culture versatility, friendly people, and given that Southern California is the most popular destination within the states you could also throw in the perfect weather.  As a Realtor in Southern California, there is a high probability that you will run into Chinese buyers at some point in your career. Before showing a Chinese buyer properties, you should know a bit about Feng Shui to avoid some of the more common taboos.  A little bit of knowledge will make your clients happy, and keep you from wasting your time.

Here are the most important rules when it comes to Feng Shui:

1. A T-junction house is considered bad Feng Shui. The main reason is that negative energy will hit your house directly.

2. The house numbers shouldn’t include the number 4 – Because in Chinese the word for 4 is pronounced similar to the death. It is bad luck.

3. Another important factor is the main entry.  What do you see as soon as you come into the house? If you can see the bathroom right away, it is a bad luck. For Chinese people, the bathroom creates negative energy and affects peoples’ health. The other factor related to the main entry is to avoid a house with direct doors alignment. It means you do not see the back door right away while entering the house.

4. The house shouldn’t have sloping land behind it, because you need backing or protection behind your back.

5. There shouldn’t be a tree or plant directly in font of the door. Chi(good energy) is blocked from entering the house by an obstacle such as this.

6. The house should not be on a dead end street (cul de sacs). While some people might think that it’s good because of no noise and traffic, Chinese people believe it means there is no flow  of energy around the house (lack of chi).

7. Stairs should not be placed opposite the front door. It invites bad energy to go up and linger in the upper level of the house.

8. The kitchen shouldn’t be too close to the front door, or to the back door, where the Feng Shui energy can easily escape.

9. Rectangular and square shapes are preferred since they represent harmony. Lots in cul de sacs where the front yard is narrower than the back yard are OK too. Triangular plots are a big “no, no”.Lots located in between two other properties are better than corner lots.

10. If the house has a history of untimely deaths, illnesses, divorces, violence, and such, be cautious. Unless you know how to clear such energies, or employ the right person to do that, don’t show it to Chinese buyers.

11. The water element does not agree with fire. In your kitchen, avoid placing the sink, water dispenser, washing machine or the refrigerator facing the stove. This arrangement will cause conflict within the home.

The rules above are just the basics of Feng Shui. What I mean is that if your property falls into these rules, the chances to sell it to Chinese buyers are very slim.

Want to employ Feng Shui in your own home?  The first step is to make sure your house is clean and clutter free before applying any feng shui cures and remedies.


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