2012 Presidential Candidate’s Homes

 As all the contenders gear up their war-machine like campaigns, let’s find out who’s living large!

If you have had your head in a hole for the past year then you may not have noticed all of the scuttlebutt surrounding the 2012 Presidential Election, but if you haven’t then you probably agree with me when I say that it is a mess!  Instead of joining the “mad media” in their dash to figure out who in fact has skeletons in their closet, I thought I would just focus on where said closets reside.

With President Obama as the incumbent/nominee for the Democratic  Party this article tends to focus more on the GOP; but even then I have narrowed it down to the major players, to save you some time.

Our tour begins with possibly the most outspoken (read: wild) candidate of in the race:


Rick Perry

Below is a photo of where Governor Perry would be residing (the Governor’s House in Austin, TX), if it weren’t being worked on, instead he has taken up residence in rental reportedly costing $10,000.00 a month (of tax payer money mind you!).



Next stop is another Texas resident, and the only challenger to the title of most outspoken candidate:

Ron Paul

I have to say, Rep. Ron Paul is living well within his means! (or at least what I would expect the means are of man in his position).  I don’t know if he is trying to remain grounded and practicing the “only take what you need” mantra, but goodness Ronnie is that a factory made water slide?



Taking a flight east to Virginia, we find ourselves knocking on the door of a man who seems to surface every time an election pops-up :


Newt Gingrich

After taking a look at Rep. Ron’s house it is not hard to find this house impressive.  Yet at an estimated worth of $995k I wouldn’t call it living beyond his means (honestly Ronald, property is cheap right now #upgrade).  While it does appear that his back yard is what us city folk call “the sticks”, this is quite refined for ole Newty!



One last flight to Utah, and we have arrived at our final destination; and coincidentally he not only has the best portfolio of  property, but many people believe he is the best fit for the nomination:


Mitt Romney

Despite my confusion about his first name (Mitt? really?), I can’t help but admire the property that this man owns.  Reportedly owning four mansions across the states (including a $12 Million dollar beach front estate in California), former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney wins this contest (if it is a contest).  Below is my favorite of his abodes, residing in Park City, Utah.


If you cant see the house well enough, just look at the ski lodge looking picture at the top of this page… that’s it.  I am not sure how many children he has (though I have heard attempts at jokes on this matter), but unless it’s 16 or he really values his quiet time this place seems absurdly large.  And for that reason I love it.

I hope this article has provided you with some enjoyment and I look forward to your feedback.  Have a great day!


Pics courtesy of CNBC

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)


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