Kate Winslet is a Hero During a House Fire in the Caribbean

Richard Branson’s house burns down and Kate Winslet saves her kids and his mother.

As the Oscar winning actress, Kate Winslet, lay asleep in Sir Richard Branson’s private home in the Caribbean, nicknamed the Great House, a fire started. The billionaire said the fire broke out before dawn when lightning from a tropical storm hit the home on Necker Island.

Winslet woke up just in time to save her two kids, Mia and Joe, and Branson’s 90 year old mother Eve. Sir Richard was not at the Great house but was staying at a nearby property with his wife Joan and son Sam, 25. His mother and his 29 year old daughter Holly were staying at the Great House with Kate and her family.

The dramatic rescue was no movie role and the actress had to act quickly. She revealed that if they had woken up just five minutes later they would have not made it out alive and we would be reporting a different story.

“We’re so lucky that we woke up when we did, that we got out of the property when we did, because another five minutes and it could be a different story,” the Daily Express quoted her as saying.

Winslet also said that she was “proud” of the way her 10 year old daughter Mia and son Joe, seven, reacted to the fire, particularly Mia, who Winslet reports picked up a fire extinguisher in an attempt to help out.

“They were really amazing,” she added.

Unfortunately the house burned down but Sir Richard Branson is grateful for Winslet’s heroic rescue.

“The main house is completely destroyed and the fire is not yet completely out. My office was based in the house and I have lost thousands of photographs which is very sad.”

Branson said no one was hurt. He said in his blog that he wanted to offer “many thanks to Kate Winslet for helping to carry my 90 year (old) mum out of the main house to safety.” He joked that Winslet “was wondering when a director was going to shout ‘CUT!’”

We applaud you Kate and your bravery!!

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
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About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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