Indio Native Abi Carter Rises from Palm Springs VillageFest to American Idol’s Finalist Stage

Photo credit: Abi Carter/Facebook

To really see the twinkling stars in the night sky with clarity, you need to leave the bright lights of Palm Springs behind. It’s a truth with multiple perspectives for Abi Carter, who competes for the Idol spot on Sunday night against the other two finalists in a season of American Idol that has kept the entire Coachella Valley on the edge of their seats. Many will remember Carter regularly belting out an inexhaustible selection of tunes with her emotionally charged voice at Palm Springs Village Fest. As her star rises this week, she has the support of the entire valley behind her.


It seems the country was just as enamored with Abi Carter as the Coachella Valley. On Sunday night, the Indio singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist became the newest Idol. We wish her the best in her future endeavors as an official American Idol!

A Long Way from the Palm Springs VillageFest 

Photo credit: ABC

It wasn’t long ago that Abi Carter’s magical voice was cutting through the revelry of Palm Springs VillageFest vendors. Yet, when the singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist returned to the corner of Palm Canyon Drive and Andreas Road earlier this week, it must have been a surreal experience. Where once she’d busked for tips from passersby, she now stood as a local legend. Seeing the site of the Palm Springs VillageFest, a community staple, through the eyes of a street performer-turned-American Idol finalist is an experience that may be singular to Carter.

On Sunday, May 12, Carter officially earned her spot amongst the top three finalists of this year’s American Idol. Per show tradition, this meant a trip back to her Indio stomping grounds… with camera crew in tow, of course. Screaming fans were awaiting Carter who briefly stopped to greet them before being whisked away by the American Idol production crew. After all, this homecoming had a tight schedule. 

Fortunately, there were plenty of opportunities for Carter’s adoring Coachella Valley fans to see her during her brief but meaningful stop. On Tuesday, May 14, a parade was held in her honor. This culminated in a live performance at the Center Stage in Downtown Indio. Both events were open to the public at no charge, allowing for a glimpse of the Palm Springs VillageFest busker-turned-shining star. 

The Unlikely Path to Idolhood

But it wasn’t a lust for stardom that brought Carter to the American Idol stage. Rather, it was an authentic love for music itself. She started playing piano at just 7 years old, paving the pathway to writing her own compositions. But as the second oldest of seven children, Carter also carried a lot of responsibility for a child pursuing the demanding life of an artist. She attended Washington Charter School until the third grade when she switched to homeschooling. Interestingly, she revisited her former school with the American Idol crew, though we can only imagine what affinity she held for an institution so far away in her rearview mirror. 

At the age of 21, Carter auditioned for American Idol, receiving a coveted platinum ticket which allowed her to skyrocket directly to the second round. For the rest of the season, she’s proved time and time again that the honor wasn’t wasted on her. Through memorable renditions of selections such as Adele’s “Hello” and Fall Out Boy’s “My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark”, her passion and professionalism garnered accolades that seemed to echo a million miles away from those Palm Springs VillageFest nights. 

Yet, her return to Indio earlier in the week highlighted that hometown support still resonates with her the most. Standing amongst screaming Coachellans, she beamed, “I think, no matter what happens, this is so much more rewarding than winning could ever be.” 

Abi Carter’s Last Stand

You can see the highlights from Carter’s homecoming on Sunday’s episode of American Idol. No doubt, venues across the Coachella Valley will have TVs tuned to ABC at 5 pm on the dot as her hometown cheers her on. She’ll need the support as she faces off against Dallas’s Jack Blocker and Georgia’s Will Moseley, both accomplished singers, musicians, and songwriters in their own right. No matter what happens, Carter has gone a long way from the Palm Springs VillageFest and the Coachella Valley couldn’t be prouder. 

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