Kate Middleton’s Childhood Home Sold and Her Parents Are Possibly on the Move

Kate Middleton’s childhood home sold recently and her parents are considering a mansion now that they are in-laws to royalty.

Kate Middleton’s childhood home was auction off and bought by local schoolteacher Emma Appleby and her partner Tom Wyatt for $795,000.  The home is located in the village of Bradfield Southend, southeast England, which is 48 miles west of London. 

It was back in 1979 Michael and Carole Middleton bought their Victorian style home, called West View.  The Victorian house has an entrance hall with Victorian tiled floor, 2 reception rooms, kitchen, family room, utility room/cloakroom and 4 bedrooms.  The approximate floor area is 1,420 square feet.

I’m sure when Mr. and Mrs. Middleton bought the house they had no idea that this would be the childhood home to the future princess of England.   Kate lived in the house for the first 13 years of her life, from 1982 (when she was born) to 1995 until the family moved to another home in Chapel Row.

The real estate agent was expecting the house to sell for the asking price, or hopefully even more, given the current royal frenzy.  Unfortunately, for him, it sold under the estimated bid.  The buyer says, “The Middleton factor did not influence us at all and we had no idea at first. We were attracted to the lovely village, lovely house, good primary school and being near friends.”

 Mr. and Mrs. Middleton currently live in a 5 bedroom red brick house worth about $1.4 million near Reading, not too shabby huh?  Their current home is Kate’s late childhood home…this girl just keeps moving on up!  I’m not jealous, ok just a little 😉

The Middletons were spotted checking out a $7 million Bolehyde Manor, a 14-century stone mansion near Wiltshire.  Perhaps they are trying to keep up with their daughter and her new digs or with their new royal in-laws.  Something tells me no matter how hard they try it aint happening.  The property features 11 bedrooms and three cottages, swimming pool, dovecot, tennis court, two summer houses, and 70 acres of park.

Given the house’s history it’s probably not the best purchase for the Middletons, which I’m surprised isn’t glaringly obvious!  Here is why – the house used to be owned by Andrew Parker Bowles and his wife Camilla.  Please tell me you’ve put the pieces together?  If you haven’t I will do it for you…

Prince Charles was a frequent “visitor” here with and without Diana.  “When Andrew was off commanding his regiment in London during the week, Charles would move in,” says Christopher Wilson, author of a several royal books.  As Prince Charles courted Diana he would bring her to the mansion all the while he was having an affair with Camilla.  This continued on after the prince and Diana wed.

It’s not really clear as to why the Middletons thought buying this house was a good idea, but it looks like they might have some sense since they have not put an offer on it yet.  Perhaps they imagined the awkward visits for their son-in-law Prince Williams.  I doubt he would feel comfortable being in the house knowing that is where his father cheated on his mother.

Oh yea, to top it off the house is said to be haunted.  This is just way too much baggage if you ask me!

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
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About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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