Where Will The Royal Newlyweds (Prince William and Princess Kate, of course!) Live?

It seems like just yesterday the countdown to the “big day” began; and we were all sitting on the edge of our seats (we won’t mention the royal fans who camped outside on the pavement of Westminster Abbey for days) waiting to see Kate Middleton walk down the aisle.  Alas!  All of our big life changing questions have been answered, like – what will Kate wear?!

Now we watch and wait for the newlyweds to answer the next big question we are all asking (ok, maybe not all but some of us), where will they live?  They have such a hard decision ahead of them, do they pick Buckingham Palace, Clarence House, St. James Palace or Kensington Palace…decisions decisions, what’s a royal girl to do?!

It’s a safe assumption to say they won’t be picking Buckingham Palace for obvious reasons.  (By obvious I mean the Queen of England who is currently squatting there.)  Clarence House can be removed from the list of potentials since that is where William has maintained a shared living space with baby brother Prince Harry.  (Three’s a crowd.)  William has also nixed St. James Palace since that is where he currently has his office.  (Who wants to work and live in the same palace when you don’t have to?)  Which leaves us with Kensington Palace.

Will William want to return to his childhood home?  Kensington Palace is where the beloved Diana, Princess of Wales, lived during and after her marriage to Prince Charles.  Even though Diana, while still alive, often said that the palace felt more like a prison, William does not share the same sentiment.  William, despite only a child then, has fond memories of living there with his parents.

If it is Kensington Palace then it’s shopping for the girls (Pippa Middleton included) on Kensington High Street!  Princess Diana loved to slip away from the palace to shop on Kensington High Street, we can expect the same from Princess Kate and she’ll need company…Pippa to the rescue!

Will William and Kate’s fate be different of that than Charles and Diana and fill Kensington Palace with a long and successful marriage filled with love and happiness or will the couple be doomed to repeat history?  Only time will tell!  We will be watching and waiting to see if Kensington Palace will be the newlyweds’ new address.

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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