With These 4 Steps, You Can Master Professional Networking

You’ve heard the old adage, “It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.” I wouldn’t say I 100% agree with that message. But is there power in professional networking? Absolutely. As the founder and principal broker of a real estate firm, I frequently emphasize to my agents the importance of developing what I call a “professional sphere of influence.” To be clear, developing a trusted network of like-minded professionals isn’t just about building business. When done authentically, it can enrich every facet of your life. That’s why I’d like to highlight a system of four quantifiable steps that can simplify the practice of successful professional networking into a fundamental exercise. This system serves to enmesh you in your community in a way that feels automatic so you won’t overthink it. 

What Do I Mean By a Professional Sphere of Influence? 

Photo credit: Envato

If you’ve heard the term “sphere of influence” before, you’re probably thinking of the broader definition. A sphere of influence refers to areas or countries that exert heavy influence over neighboring regions and areas, regardless of any official authority. The professional sphere of influence stems from the same concept, except you are the influential factor and the surrounding area is your community. Today, we’re not interested in discussing things at the global level (at least not yet… follow these four steps and there’s no limit to the expansion of your network). 

Tip: Don’t Just Let Anyone Into Your Sphere of Influence

But this brings me to an important caveat. You should be discerning about who you let into your professional sphere of influence. Why? The more influence, the better, right? Not exactly. When seeking to master your professional networking skills, you need to seek out people who closely align with your values. 

Because your professional sphere of influence can influence you in return. Therefore, you need to work at developing a foundation of trusted, reliable professionals that mirror your core values. It’s from this solid foundation that you will grow to new heights in every aspect of your life; not just your career. Therefore, choose who you let into your professional sphere of influence wisely! 

Professional Networking Mastery Step 1. Identification

Photo credit: Envato

Start by asking yourself one simple question: what kind of people do you want in your life? The specifics matter here. When speaking professionally, you might use types of professions to help you narrow down your search. In your personal life, you may want to focus on fundamental principles or values. Regardless, you want to choose individuals who reinforce your core beliefs. 

And write them down! Visualizing brings added strength and commitment to the initiation of this professional networking process. So jot down at least four professions, traits, etc. that clarify exactly who you are planning to draw into your sphere of influence. 

Tip: Prioritize People Who Don’t Want Something From You

You may feel drawn to go for the low-hanging fruit by adding the people around you who are easiest to get: the people who already want something from you. But people who want your money, status, or anything that starts your connection on an uneven footing are going to contaminate your efforts. Expect them to throw themselves at you because they want something from you. Don’t let them pollute the sanctity of your sphere of influence! 

Professional Networking Mastery Step 2. Connection

Photo credit: Jason Howie

Now that you’ve identified the types of people and/or professions you want in your sphere of influence, it’s time to connect. And, in the modern world, we have one of the best resources where simple connection is concerned: social media. So, find them on social media, add them, send them a follow request, in short: do what you have to do to initiate that connection.

Just keep in mind that there are several social media platforms to consider and your favorite might not be their favorite. So, when you are establishing connections, make sure to find them on:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok
  • X

Professional Networking Mastery Step 3. Promotion

Now that you’re following one another in some shape or form, it’s time to maximize that effort by promoting them. There are a number of ways you can do this, so why not jump into the deep end and do all of them?

Photo credit: Envato

(a.) Refer Them

If your connection has a business or provides a service that you enjoy or find useful, refer them to others! Referrals have particular power when trying to build a professional sphere of influence. It takes seconds but could create relationships that last lifetimes. Just make sure you find genuine value in what they’re doing because when you refer them to someone, they become a reflection of you.

(b.) Collaborate With Them

One of the most efficient ways of professional networking in the public eye, collaboration on Instagram reels uses an interesting medium to attract attention to your contact… and yourself. Resist the temptation to do something cliche and trite like a simple interview. Instead, invite them to illustrate what they do to your audience. Most importantly, when you share this reel, make sure that your contact accepts the collaboration. Otherwise, you’re missing the opportunity to expose them to your entire network and vice versa. 

(c.) Blog About Them

If you already consistently update a blog, your new contact would make the perfect focal point for a blog post. In real estate, we use blogs as a way to highlight the aspects of a community we feel deserve attention, such as restaurants we enjoy, current events around the city, nightlife, and, yes, reliable vendors. And most vendors are thrilled to get your publicity. Just make sure to send your blog to your focal contact so they don’t miss it!  

(d.) Review Them

This one’s so simple, you might not even think of it. But if you are really impressed with a contact’s business or services, review them! You could do it on Yelp, Google, or both. Then, to maximize exposure, take a screenshot of your review and share it to your Instagram stories. If your stories allow you to include links, then add a link to your blog about the business too. With just these little efforts, you’ll be generating social media views and website clicks left and right. 

(e.) Email Your Clients About Them

Finally, put together an email blast to your client list singing the high praises for your contact. You could even highlight multiple contacts in a single email. Your database will appreciate the recommendations, building you in their esteem as a valued resource. And your contact will obviously be floored by the positive attention. The winning is manifold. 

Professional Networking Mastery Step 4. Expansion

I’m a huge fan of the “See One, Do One, Teach One” principle of learning. And I think it makes the perfect closing to your professional networking exercises. Meet up with your contact, preferably over a meal, and collaborate on a seminar, workshop, or other event that can help to impart some of their knowledge to your family, friends, and database. The bigger, the better. But don’t just invite everyone you know. Get your contact to invite everyone they know as well. This exponentially opens up your connections, building new bridges and opening new creative avenues. 

Photo credit: Envato

Focus on Your Input (Not Output)

It can be challenging to quantify the benefit of developing a relationship with a new contact. If you’re expecting an overnight change, put that thought to rest. The fruits of professional networking take time and consistency. Therefore, it’s best to focus on your quantitative input instead of your output. After all, the mastery of your professional networking skills isn’t limited to simply building business. It’s about forming alliances with reliable people who share your values. 

Resist the temptation to “sell” yourself to new contacts or act from an area of insincerity. Just because the process is meticulous doesn’t mean it needs to lack authenticity. If you come at professional networking from a genuine place, your community will recognize that your focus is on giving, not taking. Live in a service mindset. I promise you, your community will pay you back. 

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After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.

About Harout Keuroghlian

After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.

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