An Interview with Jon Barrist, President-Elect of Greater Palm Springs REALTOR®s (GPSR)

We try to refrain from discussing politics on the JohnHart Real Estate blog, but in an election year, it’s almost unavoidable. But we think it’s pretty clear which side we’re supporting anyway. After all, Jon Barrist is one of our highly talented and insightful Palm Springs agents. We’re of course talking about the recent election for Greater Palm Springs REALTOR®s (GPSR) in which JohnHart’s very own Jon Barrist was voted in as President-Elect for GPSR. He’ll now undergo a year of training before serving in his official capacity as President of the prestigious organization. Jon took some time to talk with us about his new role, life in Palm Springs, and the changes coming to the Coachella Valley and beyond! 

JohnHart Real Estate: How long have you been a member of GPSR?

Jon Barrist: I have been a member of GPSR for over 5 years. Up until this year, I was also a member of the Orange County Board of Realtors for over 18 years.  I left my position there in January to focus full-time with GPSR.

JHRE: What benefits do REALTOR®s enjoy when they join GPSR?

JB: REALTOR®s enjoy many benefits including, but not limited to, networking, education, training seminars, committee training, learning about contracts, mentoring, product support, social events, community events and charity involvement, and friendships.  We offer strong support in sharing property listing information as well as property caravans.

JHRE: With the rapid changes happening in the real estate industry, how do you feel GPSR is uniquely situated to help real estate professionals?

JB: As an organization, we started early by gathering information and holding seminars and training sessions to assist our agents in being prepared for the changes. We feel we are an extension of the agent’s brokerages who actually own that responsibility. 

JHRE: Can real estate agents join GPSR in any capacity or is this strictly an organization for REALTOR®s? 

JB: I believe GPSR is open to any REALTOR®-related businesses as well as REALTOR®s.

JHRE: How do you anticipate that your presidential duties will affect your responsibility to your clients as a REALTOR®? 

JB: I have established a team at JohnHart to ensure that my clients’ relationships with me will not be degraded in any manner.  This includes my marketing partners, agent liaisons, MLS staff, and agents.  I hold my relationship with my clients extremely important. My first year will be as President-Elect training me for the Presidency position the following year.

JHRE: What can GPSR members expect from the Barrist administration’s presidential term? What immediate changes, if any, do you plan on making once your term begins?  

JB: There has been so much change over this last year that we have had to deal with both nationally and locally.  We have grown a great deal.  I plan to have my administration continue to work with our membership, the California Association of REALTOR®s (CAR), and National Association of REALTOR®s (NAR) to assist their business growth in addition to finding ways to continue to grow our membership locally.

JHRE: Your leadership dates back to your time with the Miami Beach Jaycees. How do you feel your history has uniquely prepared you for this prestigious leadership role? 

JB: I learned at that younger age how to be organized and how to get involved with my community.   I continue to use that knowledge and training to help me grow and continue to be involved in our community and charities.  I also use my knowledge to train and mentor newer agents to be as successful in their business as possible.

JHRE: You served as one of the Directors for GPSR previously. What advice would you give to a real estate professional looking to serve as a Director for GPSR? What advice would you give to a Director with aspirations of serving as President-Elect of GPSR?

JB: My advice would probably be the same for a real estate professional who has aspirations for either a Director or President-Elect position: Don’t sit and complain. Get involved on a committee to learn how the organization is run. Then, you can run for a director position or more to help create a positive impact on our organization.                    

JHRE: One of the primary goals of GPSR is to broaden and diversify leadership. What role do you feel diversity plays in the Greater Palm Springs area? And how do you plan to build on that diversity? 

JB: Palm Springs historically has and has been a very diverse community.  I believe that we continue to respect each other and build on our beliefs. We will continue to be a very diverse community with respect for everyone who is a part of Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley.  Continued education is key in this area.

JHRE: What do you think sets Palm Springs apart from other communities?

JB: Palm Springs has enjoyed an atmosphere as a resort destination for so many years.  This dates to the years when celebrities made Palm Springs their resort vacation of choice away from LA to relax and rejuvenate.  During the Pandemic, we quickly experienced a large influx of people purchasing 2nd homes in Palm Springs as they realized they could live anywhere and work from their beautiful Palm Springs home.

JHRE: How do you see Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley growing in terms of new community development?

JB: Palm Springs is growing by focusing on bringing businesses here into the Valley to enjoy the lower cost of living and doing business here.  In addition, Palm Springs has established a navigation center to address the homeless situation offering the ‘home insecure’ a safer haven while working with them to train, employ, and allow them to be a part of the ‘housed’ community.  We are also opening more modern hotels and even more eateries to make this community grow even stronger.

JHRE: What advice would you give to someone contemplating a move to the Coachella Valley?

JB: DO IT!  We have hot summers, but we are rewarded with 8 months of the most fantastic weather in the nation. We are still somewhat affordable compared to some of the neighboring counties.

JHRE: Out of all of the real estate accomplishments you’ve had throughout your career, where does this rank?

JB: My real estate career over the last 19 years has always involved mentoring newer agents to help them be more successful. My decision to take on the President-Elect position followed by President would be my highest goal so far. This opportunity provides me with an avenue to continue to share my knowledge, experience, education, and sense of humor.  And who knows if I will advance to the State or National level.  For now, I will be happy to say I was a part of building the continued success of the Greater Palm Springs Realtors.

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