The 16 JohnHart Agents Who Made the 2023  RealTrends America’s Best Real Estate Agents List

realttrends top real estate agents in the united states

In market climates like this, a win seems to mean more. And that’s saying a lot when it comes to the prestigious RealTrends America’s Best Real Estate Professionals List. This year, we have the privilege to boast that 16 of our agents made the cut. In Some ways, it’s not a surprise. After all, we see the incredible feats our professionals perform on a daily basis. 

But again, we’re at a point in the market climate where even minor errors can cost everything. A lot of good agents have even left the playing field. But these 16 agents didn’t just persevere through absolutely brutal conditions. They snatched victory from its jaws. 

If you don’t see your name on the list, you’ve got a whole year to change that. In the meantime, celebrate these 16 agents for once again refusing to acknowledge the word “impossible.” 

Haik Bokhchalian

Raffi Soualian

Rafael Gevorkian

Albert Babayan

Taline Soualian

Linda Ojeda

Karl Markarian

Melissa Urena

Marlin Dginguerian

Silvia Hairapetian

Marine Janikyan

Michael Melik-Bakchian 

Nesrin Karam

Grace Kim

The LA Agents

Patricia Sarkisyan

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