The Top 25 Agents of Q2 2022

We haven’t experienced a quarter like Q2 in a while. It was sort of the “mechanical bull” of quarters. Our agents held on through lots of bucking, diving, and even a few moments where it felt like they could hit the mat. But at least there was a mat! Next time, the bull won’t be mechanical. And there will be nothing to catch us except the arid, unforgiving desert. But we’ve also never been more ready for that big sky and open horizon. 

This brings us to our theme for the quarter; one that each agent on this list mastered with inspiring determination. JohnHart’s theme for Q2 was “Challenge = Opportunity”; a philosophy our CEO Harout Keuroghlian has been hammering home since day one. Some agents take to this way of thinking like salmon happily swimming against the current. Others see it as their cue that an agent’s life isn’t for them. But for our JohnHart agents, challenge is a part of life they’d never trade for anything. In fact, most of our agents would consider challenge a highlight of their work! 

You just can’t deny that a good challenge has a sense of thrill to it. Each of the agents on this list fearlessly navigated their way through points unknown to get here today. Despite their vast experience, they found new situations, new strategies, and new knowledge in every single transaction. And they relished it! They never turned away from a challenge. They recognized it as their reason for springing out of bed every morning! 

If you think you can’t sell your home or buy a new one right now because the market’s too challenging, these are the agents you need to speak with. Give any one of them a call and they’ll be happy to explain why the challenge is the most exciting part of the process. And they wouldn’t have it any other way! 

01. Rafael Gevorkian / RG Realty Group

02. The LA Agents

03. Raffi Soualian

04. Haik Bokhchalian and Associates

05. Albert and Roubina

06. Melissa Urena and Associates

07. Marlin Dginguerian and Associates

08. Marine Janikyan

09. The Padilla Group

10. Nesrin Homes

11. Linda Ojeda and Associates

12. Robbyn Battles

13. Izabell Manukyan

14. Jesse & Karla Godinez

15. Grace Kim

16. Blas Property Group

17. Karl Markarian

18. Michael Melik-Bakchian & Associates

19. Sevana Grigor

20. Silvia Hairapetian and Hovik Yepremyan

21. Anna Knauf

22. Patricia Sarkisyan

23. Lilith Berko

24. The Julian Group

25. Arthur Chalekian

Again, these agents looked into the face of uncertainty with enviable confidence. Let’s congratulate them on an impressive second quarter! No one could do it better… and this list is the proof. Well done!

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