Over 20 JohnHart Agents Make Real Trends’ 2022 America’s Best Real Estate Agents List

The Real Trends’ 2022 America’s Best rankings list was published earlier this week and it should come as no surprise that 22 of JohnHart’s best and brightest real estate agents were included. For those unfamiliar with the publication, Real Trends’ America’s Best rankings list compiles the country’s top performing real estate professionals. If an agent makes it to this list, then they are officially among the top 1.5% performing agents in the nation. And several of our agents that made the cut were in the top 1%, and even the top .2%. 

Being a local brokerage that currently services markets in Los Angeles, Palm Springs, and Las Vegas, having 22 of our 400 agents make this nationwide list is a massive deal that speaks volumes about our JH family. We are here to stay in any market climate, and we’re just getting started. 

Just to reiterate, every one of our agents who made the list are in at least the highest performing 1.5% of agents in America. Only a select few can say that… and here they are in alphabetical order! 

Albert Babayan

Robbyn Battles

Haik Bokhchalian

Laura Carballo 

Raffi Dakessian

Marlin Dginguerian 

Rafael Gevorkian

Marc Gross

Silvia Hairapetian

Marine Janikyan

Steve Julian

Nesrin Karam

Nick Khachian

Giovany Kirakossian

Karl Markarian

John Maseredjian

Michael Melik-Bakchian

Argin Nercisian

Linda Ojeda

Raffi Soualian

Melissa Urena

Hovik Yepremyan

If you know these agents, give them a heartfelt “congratulations”. It’s not easy to make it to this list and they’re in fantastic company. And if you don’t know them? Well, if you have a house you’d like to sell or are in the market for a home purchase, reach out and get to know them. This list is proof that they know what they’re doing!

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