As California’s Mask Mandates for Schools End, Tensions Are Just Getting Started

mask mandates are lifting for california schools

California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an order on Monday lifting mask mandates for the state’s schools. The entire Golden State’s talking about the move, though not everyone is on the same page. Students and staff can choose whether or not to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status, starting March 12.

Is the Time Right for Lifting Mask Mandates?

Newsom’s decree comes with a strong recommendation that California’s citizens continue wearing masks indoors. With the mandate remaining until March 12, there’s still time for cases to plunge further. The about-face comes on the heels of a two-thirds plummet in new COVID-19 cases. Likewise, related hospitalizations have been halved according to California’s recent statistics. With the mandate remaining until March 12, there’s still time for cases to plunge further.

Public Reaction to Removing Mask Mandates

some parents oppose mask mandates as out of date
Photo credit: Introvert, Dear

California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an order on Monday lifting mask mandates for the state’s schools. The entire Golden State’s talking about the move, though not everyone is on the same page. Regardless of vaccination status, students and staff can go mask-free starting March 12.

On Campus Tensions Remain High

It’s been nearly 2 years since the pandemic changed students’ lives forever. For several outspoken Californians, that’s too long a period to maintain precautions. A recent news story from CalMatters explored this perspective in depth. Many of these parents and students see the lifted precautions as coming too late. With tensions remaining high on campuses across the state, they hope the lifted mandate will ease the strain. This may be wishful thinking. 

Statistics Show Parents Favor Mask Mandates in Schools

Photo credit: envato

Parents quickly cite mandate lifts in states like New York when arguing that California administrators are dragging their feet. The outcry from concerned parents and students demanding a return to normalcy is difficult to ignore. Yet, the statistics paint a different picture. A poll conducted by UC Berkeley revealed 61% of California parents approving of mask mandates in schools. And, yes, these are parents with school age children. 

Accusations Further Fueling Tension

Then there is the accusation from some parents that teachers unions worked to delay the lifting of mandates. While Lisa Gardiner, spokesperson for the California Teachers Association, denies these claims, parents remain incensed. This points to tensions remaining on both sides, regardless of lifted mandates.

The Power of School Districts

However, local school districts still have authority in whether these mandates are lifted within their designation. As of this writing, San Diego Unified has opted to continue enforcing masks for students and teachers indoors. Meanwhile, Los Angeles Unified has declined to comment. Those against the mandate lift have argued that if cases rise again, Newsom will have trouble reinstating mandates. It’s been compared to putting toothpaste back in the tube. 

Newsom’s announcement follows last month’s lapse in California’s mask mandate for indoor spaces. The expiration of the mandate allowed vaccinated Californians to enter indoor spaces and gatherings mask-free. Since vaccination status is largely determined by the honor system, the lapse was met with controversy. Despite being categorized as high risk, Los Angeles County is expected to lift indoor mask requirements on Friday, March 4 according to KTLA.

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