The Top 25 Agents of Q1 2020

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” – J. Calvin Coolidge

Optimism and good cheer were the universal feelings for all of us at the beginning of the new year, a new decade. However, given the nearly debilitating rampage of the faceless foe named COVID-19, panic replaced our confidence and glee. As humanity has been tested in ways we never could have imagined all across the world, nevermind our country, the fight to survive and keep your head held high has been battered and bruised. Regardless, we keep picking ourselves up and holding onto an iron will, a real testament to the human spirit and our desire to keep moving forward.

In true JohnHart fashion, our amazing agents have persisted and succeeded in surpassing all expectations laid before them — not letting any obstacle get the better of them and chasing every opportunity possible in such uncertain times. They have been proactive in reassuring their clients that their best interests, both in representing properties and keeping everyone safe, remain the highest priorities. By implementing virtual showings and house tours, not only did they give peace of mind, our agents demonstrated just how devoted they are to providing their clients with impeccable service. They have taken a grim situation and turned it into a more optimistic view of the future.

At JohnHart, we’re radiating positivity and hope as we rally for the better to come. And come soon! To that, let’s applaud those agents who went above and beyond to show their purest colors of persistence and determination during such a turbulent time. Congratulations to our Top 25 Realtors for Q1 of 2020!

  1. Albert and Roubina

  2. Haik Bokhchalian

  3. Martin and Mike

  4. Raffi Soualian

  5. RG Realty Group Inc.

  6. Lilith Berko

  7. Cyndi Lesinski and Associates

  8. Blas Fernandez

  9. Tom Barseghian

  10. Juan Lastre

  11. Chrissy Rodriguez

  12. Nonna and Nadia

  13. Robbyn Battles

  14. The LA Agents

  15. Linda Ojeda and Associates

  16. Marlin Dginguerian

  17. Patricia Bruno

  18. Marc Gross

  19. Raffi Dakessian

  20. Michael Melik-Bakchian

  21. Melissa Urena and Associates

  22. Derrick Cabrera & Cristina Marie Arneson-Cabrera and Associates

  23. Clemente De La Torre

  24. Marine Janikyan

  25. Beti Abedian

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