JohnHart breaks Top 15 in Los Angeles Business Journal

los angeles business journal

There’s a drive, a passion, a push, to do more every day, month, and year.  It’s in our bones and it can’t be ignored.  After all, the defining principle behind JohnHart Real Estate is that the status quo is never good enough!  Last year was the first time we made The List.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  While casually googling us, I stumbled upon the article in The Los Angeles Business Journal, and discovered that not only did we make the list we were in the Top 20!

We had come in at 17th with a total sales volume of $331,000,000 (for 2015), and while we were extremely proud of what we had accomplished, it wasn’t enough.  We made it our goal to double up production in 2016.  If we made the Top 20 list in what was really our third year as a traditional brokerage, what could we do in our fourth?

Well the results are in for 2016, and this time we made the Top 15.  We closed out the year with a total sales volume of $609,000,000 in the Valley Area, and $712,000,000 in Greater LA.  This put us in the 13th position, but we were only about $25m (4%) away from making the Top 10 – it was very close!

What’s really remarkable about our performance in 2016 is not where we placed, but rather what the list revealed about our performance relative to our peers.  Of the top 13 on the list, only 8 other brokerages had an increase in their sales volume year-over-year.  In fact, the brokerage that came in second overall had a net decrease in their production of almost $500,000,000!  But let’s focus on the positive, out of the 8 brokerages that had an increase in production, JohnHart’s increase was the greatest.  In dollars, our production increased by $149,000,000 MORE than anyone else’s.

In terms of percentage increase, the results were even more staggering.  Take a peek:

Top 13 – Los Angeles Business Journal


Change in $

 Change in %





































13- JohnHart



Yes, you are reading that correctly, we increased our production by 84% year-over-year.

Keep in mind that our production is directly correlated to our agents’ production.  The increase of $278,000,000 in sales is how much more our agents sold than they did the year before.  Our brokers and agents sold 84% more in 2016 than they did in 2015 – we just helped them do it!

It’s hard to put into words just how proud this makes us feel.  It’s further validation of our business model, and it’s proof to our Realtors that their hard work pays off for themselves and for the entire JohnHart family.

That being said, there is a big difference between pride and satisfaction.  We’re proud of what we did, but we’re nowhere near satisfied.  We’re doubling down again, and in 2017 we’re shooting for $1.3 Billion.

We’ve added another graphic designer, a full-time attorney, a videographer, and more staff all around, to assist in achieving our ambitious goal for this year.

If you’re an agent or broker in Greater LA, and are looking to increase your production, we invite you to contact us by clicking here or calling 818-630-7814.

Time is money, and where you choose to spend it is a huge investment.  Are you going to invest your money in a stock that is in decline, or one that is consistently beating the market?


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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)


Amazing numbers!!!! I am so blessed and happy to be part just a growing company!!!! Can’t wait to hit Top 5 next year because we are going to break all boundaries!!!

Thank you to a dedicated and innovative Broker who creates ambitious Realtors who do business with a heart! Congratulations JohnHart!

JohnHart is an amazing company and I am truly honored to be an associate broker here. My clients absolutely love them, too! Looking forward to many more successful years together! Cheers!

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