Snapchat Is Changing The Way You Market Real Estate



So what does this yellow Casper looking thing mean for your business?


Snapchat is becoming all the buzz for real estate lately, and rightfully so. No, it’s not only for parents who are obsessed with their newborns, or people who want everyone to see their gym routine. Real estate agents are having INCREDIBLE engagement with their followers and gaining traction for their business simply by utilizing Snapchat as a marketing and networking vessel. Allowing the user to have tons of interaction with their audience, Snapchat has opened up endless possibilities for real estate agents to connect with buyers, sellers, and other agents locally and around the world. We live in an ON-DEMAND world, meaning, Snapchat allows our followers to open our snaps when they want to see them. With Snapchat, you can keep someone’s full attention when they are ready to give it.



Snapchat is a real life way you can broadcast content on the fly to engage with people in your area. Think about that. There are people in your geographic area who are watching others in the area snap, broadcast, and watch. If you are doing the same, you can easily and quickly become a household name when it comes to the Real Estate market in your area or (farm). You can post “how to” videos, events from your day at work (good or bad), and examples of what consumers should look out for when it comes to real estate in the area. And when you lace all of that with personal events that happen with your family and personal life, you’ll engender trust in ways you didn’t think possible – because you’re coming across as a real person. Be sure to listen to these all stars to find out the wide variety of things these REALTORs are doing on SnapChat. Capture your audiences’ emotion with the visual beauty of your listings. Show off the view from your listing in the hills, or show your viewers how gorgeous the kitchen really is-much more effective than your grandiose MLS description!

Snapchat is a game changer for REALTORs all over the country.

Not only do you get to view many different properties and keep your eye on the local market, you also get an intimate look into our lives and who we are. As I mentioned before, Snapchat is meant to be raw and authentic. With Snapchat, you don’t get the stiff, scripted videos that are often bland and boring. You get to see us in our element, unfiltered. We love what we do and we like to have fun doing it. We not only provide value but you get to see us joking around and get a better idea of who we are and what we are about. Real estate is a relationship business and we not only want to provide our clients with the best service, we want to connect with them on a deeper level. Following our snap story gives you a unique perspective into who we are and what we stand for and it allows you to connect in a deeper, more meaningful way than any other social media platform.

The most crucial point on SnapChat is authenticity.

The people you want to help in your Real Estate business appreciate dealing with others who are “real.” They don’t want (or need) a salesman, they need a trusted expert who cares about them. You’re able to broadcast yourself – who you are and how you operate – by using SnapChat to the people in your area. That enables your potential clients to see you in real life situations, in the middle of circumstances and opportunities they face, which makes you authentic in ways you can’t buy with advertising.

Be real. Be good. Be You. and above, be informative! Show your audience what you’re really up to when you’re out there working.



Curated from The Onion Juice Podcast and RISMedia

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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