Palmdale Real Estate Redefined – JohnHart Palmdale Doubling In Size!

Those who have followed our growth over the past few years know that everything we do is very carefully planned, researched, and executed; however what may not be commonly known is that a good amount of our ideas arise from our agents.  A few of the major benefits of being privately owned, and a non-franchise operation, is that we have the flexibility to implement good ideas quickly, we don’t need to seek approval from investors or boards, and we (the decision-makers) are able to interface directly with our Realtors.  In short:  You tell us what you want, and we do it.

That being said, our announcement today is not the result of our agents telling us what they want, it is the result of our agents showing us what they need.  Yes folks read that correctly – JohnHart can hear AND see (#Multifaceted #DoubleThreat?)!

Our Palmdale real estate agents and brokers have been on fire since we opened the doors out there, and now that we have done our due diligence it is time to reward their hard work.   So, without further ado I am happy to announce that we have put ink on paper and locked in the space next door!  The size of our Palmdale office will be doubling, and the buildout will include private offices, larger bathrooms, and a kitchen in which we will be cooking up all sorts of good ideas (#HadTo)!  PLUS, we have already contracted with ATT and they are running Fiber Optics to our office out there which will provide the fastest and most reliable internet in Pdale!

Now for the question on everyone’s mind:  How long???  Two weeks.  Forgive my lack of creativity and suspense in answering that question, but I wanted to demonstrate how quickly we work both in terms of office buildout time and response delivery time!

So, congratulations JohnHart Palmdale Realtors, we’re excited to help you grow your business even more.  You truly deserve the new space, and we couldn’t be more proud of what you have done up there in such a short amount of time ( #TopTenInUnderOneYear)!!!

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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