2016 – Here We Come

Hello team!!  One last congratulations on a successful close to 2015.  I have spent a lot of time at the end of the year looking ahead to what 2016 will have for us and what sort of characteristics and qualities we will need to harness and employ to make it the best year yet.  I have already committed that this will be the year that we grow the company from the inside out.  In short, I plan to take the agents we have here and grow our company through your business.

But what does this mean for all of us, practically? Well, it means an even bigger push against the idea of settling. Some of the greatest qualities one can hold is self-assurance or self-confidence, but those words are nothing if just in mind and not in practice. If you haven’t backed up your motivation with actual substance, than you have nothing.  Inventors and entrepreneurs- the people who have created life-changing opportunities for themselves don’t invent or create one thing or one business and then say “well, I think I’ve done it” and just disappear.  They keep at it.  They get a taste of success, a taste of the addiction, and they want more. Success is contagious.  Success breeds success.  It wants to build and grow momentum.  Eventually, it is something much larger than oneself and it creates a mind of its own.  But all of that has to start somewhere.

You all are what I am investing in.  My success hinges on your success, just as your success hinges on the reputation of the company, the success and consistency of your team, the ability to make promises that you keep and project numbers that you are committed to achieving.  If I commit to not opening any more locations this year and focus my attention on you guys projecting and achieving your success, then that’s a commitment that we all need to take seriously and be ambitious and excited about and determined to accomplish. Because I already have gotten a taste of success and want more.

Our mindsets need to be ambitious.  We need to not settle for being happy with what we have but greedy for more.  You have money.  So what? There’s always more to be had!  Do I want to invest in someone who is lazy and has money and is complacent or someone who has nothing but a rumbling in their gut and a thirst in their soul that has not been quenched?  People who are happy with what they have are great, but most of them aren’t going to go out and create monuments of opportunity for themselves. We need to do different to be different.  We need to push ourselves out of our comfort zone and propel ourselves to greatness. We need to put numbers down– ambitious numbers, and we need to not be surprised when we achieve them and not be deterred if we don’t.  We need to be an ember that has the potential to be a wild fire that can spread through our team, through the office, through the business and through the industry.  And we all have the potential to do that.

But do you want it?  You have to be willing to ask yourself the hard questions and come, face-to-face, with your truth. I cannot make you hungry– the drive, the desire, the inability to sleep if you are not succeeding, has to come from within you. Whatever motivates you is what you need to start connecting to, whether it be writing down ambitious goals to keep them fresh in your mind, finding an accountability partner that you’re checking in with regularly to make sure you’re not slacking and always staying connected and motivating each other, to connecting with some other motivational outlets. Whatever pushes you, whatever takes you out of your element and past your comfort zone is what you need to be doing.  Comfort does not equal success.  You’re not going to find success in your living room or you already would’ve achieved it! To BE different you need to DO different.  Don’t continue to do the same things and expect a different outcome. Change your mindset, create a sense of urgency, back it up with some pretty ambitious and definite goals and go start creating the success that we are all capable of!

You may think that some people are destined for great things.  I think we are all destined for greatness, we just need to harness our opportunities and focus on the goals in front of us and success is ours.  But you have to be willing to commit to the process.  Don’t put a toe in the water and assume everything is going to go your way.  Success isn’t achieved by those who commit halfway. You have to be willing to stick to it when it’s hard.  You have to work hard when others are giving up. You have to come in early and stay late. You have to adapt to LOVING the process and not just the end result. The road to success is a narrow one. But you can help ensure your end result by maintaining consistency, creating accountability, enabling and utilizing motivating tools, always checking in to make sure you are not becoming complacent and always be checking in with the industry as a whole to allow the numbers that are happening out there to inspire and motivate you.

I truly believe 2016 is going to shatter ceilings in this industry for all of us. I’m not asking you to do more than what I think we are all capable of. I’m just asking you to utilize and harness your full potential. I think 2016 is the year for us all to dream HUGE and come up with some record breaking success. Commit to the process, commit to the experience and commit to yourself. There is truly nothing better to invest in than your belief in yourself. Happy 2016 team– this year is going to be our best one yet!!


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After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.

About Harout Keuroghlian

After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.

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