The Condo People join JohnHart Real Estate



JohnHart Real Estate proudly welcomes Real Estate People Inc. dba The Condo People to their family of real estate professionals.  Led by Broker Albert Babayan and Realtor Roubina Zargarian, The Condo People have closed over 2,000 transactions and have exclusive agreements with many of the large condo developments in Los Angeles County.  Their experience in the condominium market, coupled with JohnHart’s tools, resources, and reach, place them in a position to increase their market share even further.  

Licensed since 1990, Albert is no novice when it comes to selling real estate, especially condos!  He started The Condo People in 2000 after leaving Re/Max, and is currently the #1 condo broker in the Glendale/Burbank area.  Alongside his wife and business partner he runs the most successful condo specific real estate brokerage in the area.  He is a 15-time Re/Max Top 100 Agent, and was inducted into the Re/Max Hall of Fame in 1999!  Additionally, Albert has his BSEE from the University of California, Irvine – where he graduated Cum Laude.

Roubina, the other half of The Condo People, is a force in this industry all on her own!  In the past 12 months alone she has closed 42 sales and has 17 years of experience in this industry as well!

Together with their agents, they have been a driving force in this industry and are poised to do even bigger things under the JohnHart umbrella.

Harout Keuroghlian, the CEO of JohnHart Real Estate, commented on their joining by saying that “Albert and Roubina have always been inspiring figures in the real estate world.  Their dedication to their craft, unwavering work ethic, and commitment to providing their clients with top quality service, is nothing short of impressive – and we are very excited to have them as part of our family.”  Keuroghlian continued, “At JohnHart we are committed to growing the right way.  We only take on Realtors who embody the same principles that we do, and I cannot think of any two agents who better exemplify what we stand for.”

At six main offices (with more in the works), roughly 200 agents, and over 300 listings currently on the market across several counties, JohnHart Real Estate is furthering their reputation for being the most dynamic brand in this business on a seemingly daily basis.

The Condo People and their skilled team of Realtors coming on board at JohnHart is another step in the right direction for the company as a whole.  Where they have been a major player in the Single Family Residence space for some time, with this venture they will become the largest non-franchise provider of Condominium solutions in the area.  Moreover they are excited to announce that they will be redoubling their efforts in this niche market to make sure that their newest family members, and all of their existing agents, have everything they need to succeed.

To learn more about how JohnHart is redefining real estate and why The Condo People decided to join, click here!



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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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