Warning: Realtors Please Be Careful!



Regardless of what firm you’re with, please heed our words:


As Realtors, we often have to put ourselves in situations that are less than ideal when it comes to safety.  While there are many aspects of our job that require us to proceed with added caution, whenever you are entering a private space alone you’re extra vulnerable.  Unfortunately, being that we are a service based industry, insisting that potential clients meet in your office or a public space can kill a deal – so what is one to do?  

Well for starters you should watch the video below regarding the alleged rape of a Valencia Realtor that just occurred, and listen to the advice of Tamar House – the President of the Santa Clarita Valley Women’s Council of Realtors, and one of our JohnHart Real Estate Realtors!

Additional Safety Tips

  1. Always speak with the person you are meeting prior to meeting, and use your intuition/gut feeling to assess whether entering a private space with them seems/feels like a good idea.
  2. When speaking with them prior to meeting, really listen to what they are saying.  Are they making advances? Trying to flirt? Joking crudely? Seem less interested in selling than they do in you? Insist on meeting in the office or bring someone along with you.
  3. Always try to have the first meeting in the office, when possible.
  4. Try to make your appointments during the day, statistically it is safer.
  5. REFRAIN from eating or drinking with your clients (in private), especially alcohol.
  6. Make sure your phone has ample charge.
  7. MAKE SURE you tell someone you’re going on a listing presentation alone and give them the address/info!!!
  8. The second you start feeling uncomfortable get out of there.
  9. Inquire as to how they found you, and if it was something social such as Facebook or a platform with a lot of photos of you on it, be extra careful.
    1. If it was from Facebook or other social media look for mutual friends, as this will provide some credibility.
  10. Carry pepper spray.
  11. If they act up, pepper spray the hell out of them!

Above all else remember the age old adage:  Better Safe Than Sorry!  No deal is worth risking your safety for – doesn’t matter how large!

Please leave any additional tips you can think of in the comments below so we can learn from each other!

View Tamar House’s profile here to learn more about her.

Click here to learn more about JohnHart for Realtors.



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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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