A BIG DAY: Kerkorian Passes & Trump Steps Up

If you’re reading this right now than you lived through an extraordinary day yesterday!  

Donald Trump, the entrepreneur, business mogul, reality television Titan and major real estate owner and builder in New York City, announced his candidacy for President this morning. He has seriously considered throwing his hat into the ring during at least 2 other presidential races, but has finally decided it might be his time to take up his first official government position: President.

Many critics condemn him for never holding public office before, but the American public are captivated by his success, his glamour and his very-vocal criticism of other major governmental figures, most namely President Obama. Geraldo Rivera, a recent contestant on Donald Trump’s widely successful Celebrity Apprentice, even asked “Right now, Jeb Bush is announcing. Who would you rather watch, him or Trump?” But as well known as he is, Mr. Trump is also widely disliked: A recent Quinnipiac University poll found that about seven in 10 voters nationally hold an unfavorable view of him, including 52 percent of Republicans. (Pulled from Internet polls)

Mr. Trump is definitely not running short on money or self confidence, dubbing himself “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Further, he  proclaimed that only someone “really rich” – implying himself – could restore American economic primacy. He may not have the resume that most Americans are looking for, but his success, confidence and brutal honesty are riveting and will at least keep the other candidates on their toes.

The other major headline, possibly trumping Trump’s announcement, is sadly that esteemed businessman Kirk Kerkorian has passed away at 98 years young.  For those who don’t know, Mr. Kerkorian was a major investor and driving force behind the major film studios, Las Vegas casinos, and multiple car manufacturing companies.  One can’t help but notice the irony behind the passing of one great businessman and the announcement of another’s plans happening in the same day.  Not because Mr. Kerkorian had any interest in politics, but because they share so much in common when it comes to their risk-taking, staggering successes and reinvention of themselves throughout their careers and lives. Both men had achieved tremendous greatness and success but also felt the sting of poor decisions and economic decline.  Perhaps Mr. Trump is channeling Mr. Kerkorian’s spirit, he would surely be wise to do so.  For as shrewd and savvy as Donald Trump can be, if he is to conquer his latest challenge successfully he will need all the help he can get (spiritual/guru/energy guidance included). The other dozen or so Republican candidates will definitely be scrutinizing the businessman and will assuredly not go easy on his reputation or lack of experience.

One thing is for sure: Mr. Trump could benefit from using a quote or two from Mr. Kerkorian in his campaign.  A poignant one that comes to mind is when he said in a Times magazine interview in 1970, “Sometimes you lose, but that’s the nature of the game. There’s always another game and another chance to win.”

Mr. Trump definitely has an uphill battle in front of him due to his lack of experience in politics, his cavalier attitude, and economic distance from your “common man”. But he has shown that he is capable of anything, can transform and reinvent himself, and create something out of nothing – and if America is one thing, it is definitely a place where people want to believe that ANYTHING is possible: even Donald Trump becoming president!

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After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.

About Harout Keuroghlian

After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.

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