Santa Clarita or La Crescenta: where should we go next?

santa clarita or la crescenta

santa clarita or la crescenta

As everyone knows our slogan, motto, and tagline is Real Estate Redefined; however while that is common knowledge, the uninitiated often ask us how we are redefining real estate.  Well, while I could sit here and write a 300 page book about everything we have done in the past six years I’ll try to sum it up in one paragraph:   

JohnHart Real Estate was built on the idea that the status quo simply wasn’t good enough.  Real estate firms had become glorified landlords, renting out desks to hundreds of agents, with no screening process, no oversight, and no concern for agent development nor clients after the close.  They had only two goals: closing transactions and selling training material/corporate paraphernalia.  Even worse, their mass recruiting and cutthroat “close” focus had created a climate of unhealthy competition – even within their own offices.  We decided that there was a better way, and that instead of focusing on cutting costs and overhead if we invested in our agents, empowered them, trained them, assisted them, and listened to them, we could create an environment that would produce a win-win-win.  Our clients would win because their transaction would be handled expertly, our agents would win because we would provide them with the tools, training, and team needed to do more business, and we would win because our per capita production would ultimately be higher (since all of our agents would succeed, and our clients would keep coming back).

In an industry headed for quantity over quality, we decided to go against the grain – and this next question should be the proverbial “proof” in the pudding tasting!

Where Should Office Number Five Be?

An integral part of our foundation is our ability to listen to our clients, our agents, and our following, and then to implement the changes/ideas that they have.  Ask any of our agents how often we are rolling out new programs, initiatives, and ideas, and you will see that we are truly fluid and dynamic in the way that we operate.  Bad ideas are cut, and good ideas promoted.


Tell us – our dearest Realtors, clients, and followers – which of the two cities below would you want us to open up in FIRST?

(yes we will probably be opening in both, but in what order we leave to you!)

Share this with your friends using the social media buttons below and check back for the results!!!

Want to learn more about real estate redefined and what JohnHart does for agents, Click Here!

Thank you!


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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)


although I’m happy we are opening up new offices, I will be extatic when we start opening offices to the east instead of to the west of our main office in Glendale. I love our office and our Broker, and team. We have the best office ever! Please consider going EAST

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