City of Hope & JohnHart Real Estate Thank You



As most of you already know, several years ago we started a charitable organization (Toys For Teens) whose sole purpose is to spread joy and hope to teens fighting cancer at City of Hope Cancer Research Hospital out in Duarte, CA.    The reason we, a Los Angeles based real estate brokerage, started Toys For Teens is two fold:  

  1. Through our JohnHart Cares initiative we always try to give back to the communities which serve, as we feel that the concept of reciprocity between business and consumer is too often overlooked.  Our clients, our communities, our consumers, are the only reason we are in business – and this is something that we have pledged never to forget.  All of you take care of us, therefore we will do as much as we can to take care of you.  Whether it is through our food drive, our Gala For Giving (toy drive), our office blood drives, our breast cancer walks, or any of the other smaller charitable campaigns we run, you can always count on JohnHart Real Estate and our excellent Realtors to be doing what we can to make life better for everyone.
  2. Amongst our team we have cancer survivors, and family members of survivors, and while we feel for those fighting all types of cancer, we feel that Teenagers fighting cancer need our support the most.  Our teen years are the years in which we really become cognizant of our surroundings.  It’s when we begin to understand how the world works, and these teens have to view the world through a window from a hospital bed.  It is cruel and unfortunate, and for whatever reason teen cancer kind of gets lost in the shuffle.  Tots, prostate, and breast cancer, have managed to become the focus of attention – both in the media and society – so we are here to bring some light on the teen situation.

Those of you who were able to join at our Gala For Giving a few weeks ago heard the gist of what I laid out above in person, but for those who didn’t I hope that brought you up to speed.

Now for the point of this blog:

We just received a thank you letter from City of Hope for the donations, and given that it was all of you who truly made the Gala successful we wanted to share the letter with you.  Each and every one of you should not just read the letter below, but read it as if it was addressed specifically to you.  Your support, dedication, and donations, helped us accomplish our goal of spreading joy to those who need it, so once again:  THANK YOU!




December 12, 2014

JohnHart Real Estate
330 N. Brand Blvd., #130
Glendale, CA 91203

RE: Toys, Pajamas and Gift Card Donation

Dear Ms. Manukyan:

On behalf of City of Hope’s Department of Pediatrics, we would like to thank you and JohnHart Real
Estate for your kindness and generosity in donating toys, pajamas and the assortment of giftcards to our
pediatric patients.

We are proud to have a growing program in the pediatric cancer treatment center. City of Hope treats
children with many forms of cancer, hemophilia and sickle cell disease. Through our research and world class
treatments, we are providing the youngest and most vulnerable victims of cancer with far-improved
chances for long-term survival. Receiving your gift of compassion and comfort provides a welcoming
reception by those children affected.

From our staff and patients, we express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation.

Warmest regards,



Sheri Masl
Senior Administrative Support
Department of Pediatrics


View Original Thank You Letter

click image above to view original thank you letter

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John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals.
He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

About John Maseredjian

John is the Vice President here at JohnHart, and as such is responsible for managing and directing the firm towards obtaining its ultimate goals. He is also one of our main contributors on the Blog. (please see his profile page on the main site for more information.)

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