Real Estate Tip: Get Testimonials

Testimonial1Ask clients to write you testimonials to promote you. A lot of people rely on the word and experience of others to help make decisions, especially on such large transactions. Think of how much you’ve looked at Yelp or reviews of others when you’re looking into a new restaurant or a new product. This is the exact same thing.  Testimonials are one of the most effective forms of marketing and branding a product or a person and it’s FREE. If you haven’t been doing so already, start speaking to your present clients and reach out to the past ones as well! This is a great way to beef up a website, a bio or a resume!

An easy way for your clients to do this is to go to your website and click ‘Recommend’ under the ‘About’ section.



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Jenny Manukyan is the Transaction Manager here at JohnHart Real Estate, as well as an agent herself. Being the supervisor and "linchpin" in our short sale operations, has endowed Jenny with invaluable knowledge; and here on the JohnHart Gazette she hopes to share that with you all!

About Jenny Manukyan

Jenny Manukyan is the Transaction Manager here at JohnHart Real Estate, as well as an agent herself. Being the supervisor and "linchpin" in our short sale operations, has endowed Jenny with invaluable knowledge; and here on the JohnHart Gazette she hopes to share that with you all!

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