Real Estate Tip: MLS Strategies

The MLS is one of the most important and integral tools when used correctly. It really is your one opportunity to grasp an agent or a buyer with what little information you have about the property without them actually being present in the home. Most people get a certain energy or excitement when they’re in a home, but how do you actually get them there?! Your listing has to grab their attention, create urgency and thus be the number one priority on the agents list to show. Here are a few tips that can really help set your listing apart and get agents and buyers excited:

#1: (this one might be a little obvious, but you’d be surprised how many times agents get this wrong and/or get fined for it!) Make sure your information is accurate! The area, city, unit # of the property, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, etc. is all basic, critical information that will make or break your listing! You do not want to be the person who has to correct information after the fact or, even worse, contact buyers and agents to let them know, once they have shown an interest, that the information is not accurate. This major mistake reflects badly on you and the company you represent. So it’s important to get it right the first time.

#2: The day your listing appears on the MLS makes a big difference. The best days to put up a new listing are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Most agents prepare for their weekend with showings and open houses during this time and you want your listing to be the priority. Friday is the worst day to list a property because most agents are already checked out for the day and have their weekend set. This is also true of Saturday & Sunday. Agents are out and about and you don’t want your listing to be missed or overlooked.

#3: One of the most important aspects is amazing pictures of the properties. I asked how you get people to come see your property if they can’t get a feel for it first, but how can they even get a feel for it if they cannot see it at all??! Most agents are so busy that they will not revisit a property, hoping that pictures have suddenly appeared, so it is important that you list the property correctly the first time because your second attempt will most likely have lost some of the energy and buzz you are trying to generate. Additionally, there should be lots of photos that are properly lit, look professional and show as much detail as possible. The more pictures that are attached, the more of a cohesive feeling both the agents and the buyers will get and it is more likely to generate more interest.

#4: Finally, availability for showings plays an integral part as well. As soon as a listing goes up, it’s really appealing to have a caravan date as well as an open house date for agents to mark down right away. People want something tangible that they can look forward to and they want to know that you are on top of your game.

These few steps will set you apart and set you up for successful listings! Follow these tools and your listings will help to speak for themselves! Utilize your team and good luck!

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Jenny Manukyan is the Transaction Manager here at JohnHart Real Estate, as well as an agent herself. Being the supervisor and "linchpin" in our short sale operations, has endowed Jenny with invaluable knowledge; and here on the JohnHart Gazette she hopes to share that with you all!

About Jenny Manukyan

Jenny Manukyan is the Transaction Manager here at JohnHart Real Estate, as well as an agent herself. Being the supervisor and "linchpin" in our short sale operations, has endowed Jenny with invaluable knowledge; and here on the JohnHart Gazette she hopes to share that with you all!

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